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Recent content by riverside

  1. R

    question for 2400 BRX owners

    2400brx I have a 2400BRX with a 300xs on it. I have had it for about 8 years. I boat on Barnegat Bay in NJ which especially on weekends can get pretty rough sometimes. The BRX is pretty good in the rough water but can get somewhat uncomfortable sometimes as it is pretty light and starts to...
  2. R

    New new new

    Nice boat, I have a 2010 2400 BRX with a 300 XS as well. I keep mine in the water the entire summer as I live on the water. I know many will cringe at the thought but I love just jumping in and turning the key. Make sure when you tilt your engine out of the water have the wheel turned hard...
  3. R

    Global Marine Purchases Checkmate Marine!

    Hustler & Checkmate I have a 2010 2400 BRX that has some stress cracks in the gelcoat where the rear seat bulkhead curves into the sides of the boat on the inside corners. I figured I would call Checkmate and see what they say. I called and was connected to someone at Hustler. I told her my...
  4. R

    Welcome Hustler Inc

    Hustler's are definitely nice boats but I wonder if they will be able to make money with Checkmate when nobody else seems able to in today's boat market.
  5. R

    Buying Checkmate??

    I can do the marketing/advertising etc.
  6. R

    Cats out of the bag now

    Congratulations... My boat (2400 BRX) has a red rub rail insert also and after two years it looks sort of faded in spots...
  7. R

    Gas Cap, just in case

    So the other day I am filling up at the marina... as I pull the nozzle out of the filler neck it breaks the chain that holds the gas cap and I watch it sink into the depths. It all happened in a split second. On the 2400 BRX the filler is on the side of the boat so the cap just dangles over the...
  8. R

    Jumping Breaking Waves

    A little different but have you seen this? http://www.youtube.com/embed/ByGSMmenPDM?rel=0
  9. R

    Past weekend - Long Beach Island, NJ

    Any of you guys been to any of the garvey/speed skiff races in and around Barnegat Bay almost every weekend? Very casual and fun for a couple of hours. Can either anchor and watch or go by land. http://www.jerseyoutlaws.com/Sitemap.html
  10. R

    Past weekend - Long Beach Island, NJ

    Beautiful spot over by Barnegat Light. My wife and I like to take rides over there from Forked River.
  11. R

    With great sadness, I must sell my 2012 2400 BRX

    Sorry to hear that...hope everything is OK. The following link will give you an idea of dealer cost with the options you chose which might help you decide what to ask for it. http://www.seedealercost.com/boats
  12. R

    2400 Pulsare Br vs 2400 Brx BR

    I can't speak to the 21 but the 24 BRX is a pretty good rough water boat. I traded in my 24' cobalt 246 with a 496 mag for the BRX. Even though the boats are the same length the Cobalt was a much larger 24, with more freeboard etc. I boat on Barnegat Bay in NJ and the water gets pretty rough...
  13. R

    Dont be a "Dickmate"

    I boat on Barnegat Bay in NJ (2400 BRX) and most people wave. However, there are more and more people when you wave they look the other way and pretend that they did not see you. Even people who go by our house on the way in.
  14. R

    Opti 300XS Flushing

    I was flushing my engine the other day after going for a ride with it tilted out of the water using the flush port on the back of the engine. Water was coming out of the intakes on the lower unit as well as the outlet on the engine so I guess to some degree it does flush the lower unit as well...
  15. R

    Opti 300XS Flushing

    I just had my boat delivered from A-Z this past Saturday. From what I can tell from the manual the cooling system (engine) is flushed using the port on the back. Can be idling or not running. The lower unit is flushed with the muffs. I actuall put a hose fitting in mine so I could easily just...