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Recent content by ROLAND

  1. R

    Wanted.....fast Checkmate in WI

    I have a beautiful checkmate pulsare powerboats for sale by owner. http://www.powerboatlistings.com/view/43030 Sort by: Length Year Price Boat Added 21' CHECKMATE 2100 PULSARE CD 2008 Checkmate 2100 Pulsare CD 2012 300XS Mercury Sport master lower 2008 Sea Hawk trailer Boat : Sea Star...
  2. R

    For Sale 2100 Pulsare

    New lower price. $32,000
  3. R

    For Sale 2100 Pulsare

    FOR SALE 2008 Checkmate 2100 Pulsare CD 2012 300XS Mercury Sport master lower 2008 Sea Hawk trailer Boat : Sea Star hydraulic steering , CMC 10 inch set back high speed power hydraulic jack plate with sender, steering wheel mounted tilt / trim / jack plate controls, set up by...
  4. R

    "Wanted" Newer 21 Pulsare BR w/ 300XS

    Just listed my closed deck 2100 2008 with 2012 mercury Racing 300xs. 110 hrs . $32500.00 Neg. 2008 Checkmate 2100 Pulsare CD 2012 300XS Mercury Sport master lower 2008 Sea Hawk trailer Boat : Sea Star hydraulic steering , CMC 10 inch set back high speed power hydraulic jack plate with...
  5. R

    " For Sale" 2012 Mercury 300 Pro Verado

    Try Jaycos Marine , Brenda , 931-762-6710. Small shop but #1 Mercury dealer on East Coast. I traded in my 225 for 300XS which is on my 21 Pulsare . Great service in and out swap 4 hrs. Also best prices on Mercury Props. Great group down home people .
  6. R

    Checkmate for Checkmate Article.....

    The guys with wake boards tend to like heavy iron not out boards , for the weight and safety of an inboard. Mastercraft (190) and Centurian (barefoot warrior) both had out boards for their speed in 1987-1990. But the following didn't catch on due to market change from skiing and barefooting to...
  7. R

    Checkmate for Checkmate Article.....

    The problem is the market for new single-engine sportboats—especially at retail prices from $80,000 to $100,000 needed for builders and dealers to make a reasonable profit—is limited at best. The buyers, many of which financed their boats, have all but disappeared, as has much of the financing...
  8. R

    PROP FOR 300 XS

    I dont want to go any further back than the 10 inches I have now. It would help top end but for knee boarding and slow speed tubing the further back the more the bow wants to rise. I think Randy has 1.62 gears in the one he ran and the best he ran with a disclosed prop was the 28 trophy. The...
  9. R

    PROP FOR 300 XS

    I am on call the weekend of the bash. Hope to catch yall next year. My Fountain 42 Lightning "Thunder God" is twin staggered 502/525 horse with bravo one XR sportmaster drives. It has shore power and a generator , A/C , refrigerator and TV. It runs 84-85 MPH. Not the fastest 42 but but rides...
  10. R

    PROP FOR 300 XS

    I got some in water test time. Running a 30 pitch Bravo One modified with 5/8 holes. So far hit 76 MPH, more left but I need some extra seat time. The vent holes are the way to go .Tried a 28 with out vent holes bravo one and the prop would not break free to get the boat on plane. Cant believe...
  11. R

    PROP FOR 300 XS

    Plan on doing a little water skiing and bare footing. I purchased the sportmaster lower for the top end ability . The cmc electric lift also adds versitility.
  12. R

    Is that a factory bimini top on your 24 (nice ride) ? How does it hold up at 35-40 MPH?

    Is that a factory bimini top on your 24 (nice ride) ? How does it hold up at 35-40 MPH?
  13. R

    PROP FOR 300 XS

    Just replaced my 225 with a 300 xs with 1: 75 gears sport master lower on my 21 closed deck Pulsare 2008, it has 6 CMC electric jack plate with 4 inch stand off for 10 inch total set back. I will be breaking it in with a 27 pitch trophy. Has any one tried a Bravo 1 XS prop from Mercury Racing...
  14. R

    I see you have the 1.63 gears . Mine has the 1.75:1 gearing in my 225 opti. How much difference...

    I see you have the 1.63 gears . Mine has the 1.75:1 gearing in my 225 opti. How much difference in insurance did they quote.
  15. R

    I have a 2008 Checkmate 2100 long deck with a 225 opti. and am considering a 250xs or 300xs ...

    I have a 2008 Checkmate 2100 long deck with a 225 opti. and am considering a 250xs or 300xs . Do you run a electric jack ? I have 10 set back cmc manual. 25 temptist prop. all the way up hit 77-75 mph on gps. bumping rev limiter.