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Recent content by ROTN

  1. R

    Please prove me wrong.

    Please prove me wrong.
  2. R

    SCT's 1969 Checkmate V191 Raceboat restoration.

    Here we go again, a year later and its "ready for paint"? Time to get moving, glad this isn't my boat.
  3. R

    Coop's Baja!!!

    Lets see a "Coop" boat that floats.
  4. R

    SCT's 1969 Checkmate V191 Raceboat restoration.

    Looking good, cant wait to see it done.
  5. R

    Even More CL Finds!

    That's a mess, and who sells a boat with out the trailer?
  6. R

    Even More CL Finds!

    http://florencesc.craigslist.org/boa/5758193879.html Owner claimed this boat was a 9 out 0f 10, drove from Michigan to South Carolina, its crap. Looks good from a far, but some half ass repairs on the hull, the floor is rotten, and its filthy. Drivers seat is loose and floor is shot, when...
  7. R

    Even More CL Finds!

    I went and looked at it today, total pile of sh1t. Has been clear coated and its all cracked, interior is crap, transom has been dicked with and is shot. The motor is just hanging there not hooked up and looks to be spray painted. Boat is junk, not sure if I would take it if it was free...
  8. R

    CHawk Trailers is Out of Business

    I have had a few trailers from them, I was always happy, fit the boats perfect.
  9. R


    Now that is cool.
  10. R

    Want to twin rig 300xs motors on my 2400 BRX

    Get some pics on here, sounds like a fun project.
  11. R

    Hey, don't let that boat bring you down, in the end its just a boat, park it for a while.

    Hey, don't let that boat bring you down, in the end its just a boat, park it for a while.
  12. R

    What would you pay for a 1989 Starliner?

    I agree, buy it run it for a summer, sell that motor and upgrade. That 150 will be an easy sell. A lot easier to find a Merc 225 or a 250 then it is to find a nice Pulsare.
  13. R

    " For Sale" 2011 Tahoe LT Z71

    Sharp truck, should sell quick. Nice when people actually maintain their vehicles.
  14. R

    Predictor II 1982

    That boat runs best with a 200 hp Merc. Just need to know how to drive it.
  15. R

    SKI Mirrors?

    I use one, not for skiers and tubers, but to monitor the support of bikini tops on the passengers in the back seat. Need to make sure things don't bounce around to much in the chop, and if they do, I am watching.