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Recent content by Sam I am

  1. Sam I am

    2100 BR questions for you

    Bow cover will make a HUGE difference and it allows your hull to air out easier and carry the nose. That was worth at least a 2 if not 3 MPH if I remember correctly on my Pulsares.
  2. Sam I am

    Even More CL Finds!

    The 2008 2000BR is my old boat...bought it out of NY. I sold it for $25K before I bought the Starliner.
  3. Sam I am

    " For Sale" 1989 Checkmate Starliner

    Still available. Spring is coming.
  4. Sam I am

    2006 Checkmate 2000 Pulsare BR Restoration

    Hey there, CheckmateND. I'm a checkmate enthusiast, also in ND...Fargo to be exact. There aren't a lot of 2000BR's up in this next of the woods. Post up some pics! Karzrus is on the money with his info. They're good hulls.
  5. Sam I am

    New guy from the UP

    Sweeeeet. Schwing!
  6. Sam I am

    Bought a Center Console!!! Barracuda 188!

    Suzuki's are great motors. I had one on a fishing rig and loved it. The only thing I disliked about, if you can say that, is it was so quiet at idle I would forget to shut it off when we would get to a new spot. I finally got in the habit of checking for a pee stream to double check.
  7. Sam I am

    Pulsare Wanted....

    Agree, there's nothing of any kind that's "Good & Cheap" in today's world.
  8. Sam I am

    Custom boat cover MFD

    Here's what I did with my Starliner and cover. I could do this because I had a new rubrail installed...you may not be able to do this if you have the original rub rail.
  9. Sam I am

    Pulsare Wanted....

    Having owned a few Pulsares and now my Starliner, unless I was jumping up to a 2400 with the fiberglass inner liner, I prefer my Starliner over the Pulsares I've owned. It's a little bit narrower and not quite as fast, but most guys can't drive their Pulsare to top speed anyway. 12pack, the...
  10. Sam I am

    Bowrail Dilemma

    As a last resort, you could try heating them up. Also, I have two extras for you if need them. EDIT: I just looked at the pictures in the link... I'm not sure what you got going on there. I can tell you with certainty that the end cap is the male and the female rail receives the end piece.
  11. Sam I am

    " For Sale" 1989 Checkmate Starliner

    $32.5K OBRO motivated seller...
  12. Sam I am

    " For Sale" 1989 Checkmate Starliner

    bump: $35K obro
  13. Sam I am

    " For Sale" 1989 Checkmate Starliner

    Hey guys...it's done deal, the family is ALL IN on surfing. Even me...we've had a great time together and my daughter is driving the boat already in preparation for hanging with her "Squad". :rof: Pics are a kind of a Pain but I'll throw up a few...if you're serious, tex me and I'll bombard...
  14. Sam I am

    Major Dilemma?

    It is closed to the general public and leisure travel. But brokers conducting trade and stuff like that are still good to go. I know in the Detroit area, Canadians living in Canada and working in MI come and go. So...it's closed, but not like the Berlin wall.