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1987 Convincor 25 gets Bravo One (and some more...)


well then...
...in the beginning of May I went to get the boat from it's winter-home and started up my "little" project to change my outdrive from Alpha to Bravo :)
When I took out the alpha transom assembly it looked a little better...
...the transom was nice and dry :thumb:
But the stringers on both sides was (as you probably already guessed) solking wet and had to come out :irked:
There where some moist-issues underneath the fueltank to :(
well...after some more cutting and grinding the boat looks like this :yell:
After checkin' out the old 454 and discovered that it wasen't in to good shape either i dicided to buy another "real" 454 Mag with some goodies inside and aprox. 400hp :thumb:
I also bought a lot of plastic to make me some new stringers :)
And here are my "new" exhausts :devil:
Now it's time to make some new stringers!
I decided to make them without any wood or other distance-material
They're pretty thick :) about 0,40" (10mm)
Both stringers done...
The first stringer almost in place in the boat
Almost done whith both sides
And one pic from the transom-angle :)
That's all for now...
Sorry if my english isn't the best :p

As you've seen by now it where a little more to do than just change the Outdrive ;)

// biomech
Great work!! It's always nice to see a job well thought out and done professionally!! Brings back fond memories of my stringer/floor replacement on my Pulsare from last year!!


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Well "mates"...
...finally the Convincor is ready to hit the sea :)

I will update the thread with a few more pictures after the weekend.

well you are closer than me !!!!! hope to spalsh mine by the end of the month, you did one heck of a job !!!!! my hats off to you !!!!! if we were close I'd buy you a drink !!!!!! good luck !!!!! Rob
Have had a really nice week with the boat :)
Unfortunally I have a little to much Pitch at the prop (running a 4 BL Hydromotive 24P right now) but alone in the boat and with a 1/4 tank of gas
I was able to pull it up to 63mph @ 4900rpm.
Since this engine wants to rev a little bit over 5000 (5200-5300) I'm going to try a Bravo 1 22P and hopefully the engine will feel a bit stronger even with a few passengers :)