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floor runners??

My V Mate II has two "supports" that run along both sides of the boat on the floor. They are about 4" tall and run from the back bench seat to beyond the dash line and they are about 10" from the sides of the boat. I've never seen them in another boat and If they are not necessary I would like to remove them before I install my flooring. Maybe these were put in by a previous owner? for what??
sorry. I'll try to get some posted. these are pieces of 1/2" plywood on edge and they run down the floor of the boat about 10" from the outside edges of the boat. I'll get some pics on tomorrow
I think hes talking about stringers, they support the floor from underneath, not sure about the Vmates but a lot of the smaller checkmates just had a single stringer running down the middle of the floor, Prolly a good idea to leave them in if they are in decent shape, or replace if they are rotted or wet, you could probably get away with a single center one if you wanted. Search the forums for stringers and maybe with repair or replacement, youll get all kinds of good info
I think I know what he is talking bout'.
My 83' Predictor dose not have them but my buddies 80' Enticer dose
I belive they are only there for storage (small padel, ropes,etc)
Guys I think this is what he's talking about. I have something similar in my pulse. The first px look down and to left and in the second pix look on both sides of the bench seat, it's kind of hard to see. The grab rails are mounted to them. Hope this helps.


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I know what he means. My V-Mate II does not have them, but I've seen one on here that did. It's just a vertical plywood "wall" running from front to rear at about the point where the floor joins the sides of the hull.

I'm not sure whether that became standard on later V-Mate II's or what. I'll dig for pics on here.
Yep, here you go. The Nerd's V-Mate II has them. They must have been added to later V-Mates. Not sure if it would be for structural rigidity or just for storage? Maybe Coop or someone can chime in.

Ohhhhhhh, those.... I have those on my enticer, although they are a little further in, they pretty much just separate off an area to throw stuff and not have it roll all over the floor, kinda handy. back by the bench seat mine were rotted so I will be removing and maybe replacing a foot or two on both sides
good eye. The pics are only of the demo not the reconstruct so maybe he'll read this and tell us what his intentions are. I'd love to lose them. thanks
I had the same type of set up in my trimate. Mine where bolted on to mounts glassed in the hull.
They are used for holding stuff in. Mine where only about 6" high, so they didn't do a real good job of keeping stuff in one place. Since I modified the interior they will not be going back in.