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dual cable set-up!!!?????????

Your all set there, when you push the motor side to side the steering link between the cable ends and the motor should not move much, if the cables move in & out a little withought the wheel moving they may need to be adjusted.
um-have you mod' a boat like this before??? if you have then you are way faster than me!!!
on my predictor i had the same dual ride guide set up with some slop in the rack. i pulled it apart and was able to move one of the cables out one tooth. this took all the play out of the rack.
Uuuuuuuuhhhhhhhhhh.........You took the RACK apart? :p

To tighten up dual cable steering, you adjust the forward cable (at the engine) towards the port side of the boat. This tightens the forward cable against the aft cable. You adjust until there's no play when you move the engine back and forth, but not so tight that steering difficulty rises too much. Very easy to do, and it takes just a few minutes. Helps reduce chine walk. Tightens the cables all the way from engine thru rack.

I've never heard of anyone taking the rack apart and moving the cable one tooth. That must have been interesting!
The slop comes from the play or space between the inner cable and the outter sheath, If the cable were stretched out straight there would be no free play but when you bend the cable it allows the cable to move back and forth inside the sheath. This is why single cable systems inevidably will have some slop, An improperly adjusted dual cable will have the same amount of slop. A dual cable system should be adjusted so one cable is in contraction (pushed on) and the other cable is in exstention (pulled on) canceling out each others free play or slop. If you took the tie bar off on the motor end of the cables (this is the piece that both cables slip into and the third center link goes back to the motor) the bare ends of the cables would be at diffrent lengths, one cable would be longer than the other. If your cables are adjusted properly like this you have to loosen the cable retaining nuts off to get the tie bar back on. To adjust your dual cable you adjust the front tube on the motor. The primary tube is the standard tube that is in the motor mount, the secondary is the tube & bracket attatched to the front of the motor. this secondary tube has a nut on each side of the mounting bracket (usually on the drivers side) loosen one nut and tighten the other to shift the tube untill the slop is gone. dont get it too tight or your steering will start to get stiff. Its not difficult and only takes a few minutes. If your having a lot of chine walking problems this will help alot, it will also ease torque steer a bit.

he he he i had the rack apart when i painted the boat. when i put it together i moved it up a tooth. doing it on the other end should be a bit easier. :o