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new project maybe

W Vaughan

Active member
So the entertainer is getting close to complete. I can't stand to be without a project. So I've found a 76 jetmate pretty much bare hull 460 and berkley pump, but its 300 bucks. I don't think i can pass this one up. Will post some pics as soon as i get them.
Which jetmate is it, the one with bucket seats on the sides of the hatch, or the one with the staight bench seat in the back.
Here is a pic of the 76 I had

Hay I got a spare Bucket seat if you need one. Looks the same as yours. You have a lot of work before you get to that point though.
The topsides are in pretty rough shape but the sides and bottom of the hull are really nice. The floor has been removed and the only interior left is the front buckets. It's going to take a ton of work for sure but I still am really happy with what I got for the money. The interior should be done for my entertainer by this weekend as soon as its back in the jetmate is going in the shop. I will do the floor first. That will give me time to figure out what to do with the topsides as far as paint or gel and color scheme. I'm thinking heavy red flake over a black base with silver accents on the body lines. I already have a forged and balanced eagle rotating assembly with forged je piston for the 460. I have a set of factory DOVE heads but hopefully something better will come along before I get to that point.
cool ! good luck on the project....had a 72 chris craft XK19 jet I redid several years ago....very cool boat...these remind me of that...wish I had it back !!