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How much is a 91 Enforcer Worth?


New member
Looking at a Black 1991 Checkmate enforcer 24'. It has the Merc 454 with Bravo drive, along with matching tandem axle trailer. Apparently in "like new" condition. The dealership wants $26000 for it. I know this is wayyyy too much. I was thinkin around 12 grand or so... How much do you guys figure something like this is worth?

Nice looking boat, looks clean. I don't know my values very well but would deff. say overpriced. I have seen these guys buy newer boats for less. Somebody should chime in here this morning with some info.

I would say your 12k estimate is more realistic. It depends on what its worth to you. looks to be in above average condition. Nice.
Assuming it is in "perfect condition" --- I mean really perfect condition not from just a cosmetic/visual standpoint, but also and more importantly from a mechanical and structual standpoint, the integrity of these two items {running gear / superstructure} should be nothing less than in absolute brand new kind of condition for ANY boat that the seller is asking top top top dollar for.....

So, again assuming this boat is in the kind of condition that warrants "TOP DOLLAR" --- not including the trailer this boat is probably worth between $12000 to $15000....{not including the trailer}

However, if I would to pay the higher price of $15000, I would demand a hollywood hooker to be included :-)
Also, I forgot to mention....
That really is a beautiful looking Check---I love the colors--- however beware boats with black gelcoat {or is it beware Romulans bearing gifts} --- well in any case, the boat is beautiful looking, but be forewarned of overheating the gelcoat causing top surface cracking.
That boat does look mint, it's on the wrong side of the border though, I'll never buy another boat in Canada, everyone wants to much for their stuff here.
Also, I forgot to mention....
That really is a beautiful looking Check---I love the colors--- however beware boats with black gelcoat {or is it beware Romulans bearing gifts} --- well in any case, the boat is beautiful looking, but be forewarned of overheating the gelcoat causing top surface cracking.

Guys, don't worry about the black if you store the boat under cover or indoors. I had my 1994 Black Pulsare 2100 in the Florida sun for years with no problems..other than getting too hot to sit on without a towel. Black boats are stunning when kept in great shape!!


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I live in Winnipeg and that boat has been on since last year. He's a car dealer, not a boat dealer. I noticed that the dealership selling it has changed. The pics of it are at a dealership off Gunn road where it was advirtized last year but Pacific Motors is West of Winnipeg who now owns it????????
i see that a lot around hear too. idiot small time car dealers take a performance boat in on trade or pick it up at an auction and think they are going to profit big #'s. half of these clowns don't have any boat knowledge to speak of and think their customers are just as stupid!

i'd think twice about it. there are a lot of nice mates starting to pop up for sale
If someone is insane enough to ask that kind of money for that boat they are going to be just as insane when you offer them half of what they're asking.

Couple of things.
Boats tend to sell for more in Canada than the US and will almost always have way less hours because of our short season. This is particularly true with motors. They can easily sell for double up here but look and run like new. My Etec was 5 years old when I got it and had only 85 hours on it. You will not likely get this Enforcer for 12k. On the other hand I doubt he will get 26k either.
The boat has a Minnesota registration number. There are a few car dealers here in Winnipeg who will bring boats across the line and sell them here for a profit. I did it myself for a few years. In the last couple of years the Minnesota prices have gone up and the Canadian prices have gone down. The spread no longer makes it worthwhile. The dealer is probably going to have to take a bath on this one. Lately you have had to go further away to find a bargain down south. I haven't found a good money maker in two years.
Having said all that, the boat is very nice shape and might be worth 15k here. And like JP said, black boats are not that hard to maintain. Mine sits in the water 4 months a year, but is tarped when not in use. Looks great still and I rarely wax it. I don't find it too hot either.
Except for the "Hot Seat" on the deck, my black and silver 16' Predictor was a good-looking boat.

Agree with everyone's assessment of the "real" value of the Enforcer. It does look mint.
Wow Checkmate didn't change much on the Enforcers through out the years I guess. Looks just like mine except the windshield is taller, interior is designed the same. No way would I pay 26K but 12K sounds acceptable I suppose.
Is it possible he is asking $26K canadian and hasn't converted it to US dollars? I bought a leftover 300 Promax from a dealer in Canada about 10-11 years ago and he was asking something like $16k canadian and I gave him $10k US.
Got mine same boat for 8500 with matching trailer. Mine is in very good condition not pristine with less that 100 hours on it. Leave some money in your pocket as I had to rebuild the engine 4 weeks after owning it. Still with my 8500 plus 5000 (engine) i think i did all right