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Secret Handshake meet, Nov.1


Well-known member
Some of us locals along with folks from S&F were invited by a secret organizer :sssh: to meet up on Greenwood Lake in recent weeks for a final run observing the local speed limit.

My morning started early, and as the rain fell on my Starliner in the darkness, I wondered if I had lost my mind.
After grabbing a coffee and unhealthy breakfast, I took to the road.

Met Tomb at the launch site, and then atc250r arrived.

From there, the pictures tell the rest of the day.









Great shots! Wish I could have made it.
Except for, ya know, the "hypothermia" thing.:rof:
Extremely cool!
Thanks for the pics!
Speeds? Speed Limits on lake? Temperatures?
I'm noticing all outboards- I just had to winterize the day before on
an I/O due to a freeze coming in. Did that affect attendees?
Wave heights, - 1- 1.5 footers?
Great shots! Wish I could have made it.
Except for, ya know, the "hypothermia" thing.:rof:
Extremely cool!
Thanks for the pics!
Speeds? Speed Limits on lake? Temperatures?
I'm noticing all outboards- I just had to winterize the day before on
an I/O due to a freeze coming in. Did that affect attendees?
Wave heights, - 1- 1.5 footers?

I think John saw 73mph.
I will assume the velocity's easily saw over 90.

My camera boat hit 52, threw rooster tails, and I realized I need to sell the kids for a 250hp and a bow cover. :rof:

The weather affected attendees. There were a bunch of LI guys to come in including 3 of the Class 7 boats (Mr.Determination being one).

Although it was cold, the day was dry by mid morning and brightened up for the afternoon. Perfect conditions.
The chop was mainly in the section north of the island where it was probably 1-1.5'. Made for some interesting and squirrely moments for a few.
Well worth getting out of the scratcher at 7am for. :thumb:
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Thanks for coming up in that foul weather Kris and Tom. It was cold but that chop from the wind certainly helped the boats go fast. I squeezed 75 out of mine today with a full tank of fuel, up from a previous best of 71.5 so I guess the reeds, 4 butterfly intake, and reeds did their job. Not bad for an old bow rider with an old fishing motor on it. :) There's more in it with a different prop, it got on the limiter a couple of times with the 24 Trophy yesterday so I think I'll get some more out of it with the 26 Chopper I have coming. Just happens that its mostly outboards because its all Scream and Fly guys and that's primarily an outboard site. I just pulled my I/O out Friday, no worries about it freezing just from a night that dips a few degrees below freezing. I took a few pics yesterday too:

2014 Secret Handshake Run