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1978 Trimate II - 150hp Black Max


New member
Picked up this gem a few weeks ago for $3300. First time boat owner. I'm taking recommendations for setup seeing that I haven't owned a boat before that I can tinker with. I'm big into snowmobiles and showing my car and leaving things stock really isn't my thing because all things have a greater potential.

Additions so far:
Transom Saver
Winch Strap
Safety Chain
Rear ratchet straps
Humminbird Helix 5 GPS
Battery tender

To Do:

Center windshield does not fit. Need to spread out the windshield on the boat or cut the center down to fit.
Mount GPS/transducer
Ski Pylon
Springs for the ladder
6" Motor offset plate (looking for a hydraulic jackplate in the future)
Stainless Prop (after I figure out what the jackplate does)










:welcome:Welcome to the Forum. Sharp looking boat. As for your center windshield not fitting, I've never run or really used mine on either of my (2) BR's, but that's just me. Great job with posting some pics.:thumb: Jim
Beautiful boat!

Take a straight edge and put it on the keel and measure how far the prop shaft is below the keel. It looks like your motor can be lifted quite a bit.

Also, it looks like you have an aluminum prop...what pitch is it?
Great looking boat. On my trimate I found the laser 2 prop to be the best all around prop. I have tried everything from cleavers to choppers and everything in between.
Jackplate is installed and I'm sitting about 4" below. Took it for a run with the 21 aluminum and hit 56 and was running about 5800 RPM. Tried a 23 Ballistic from a guy down the road and was running 5600 rpm at 60mph with some extreme Chine walk. Thinking I need to raise up some more or find a prop with less cupping.