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1989 25' Convincor refresh

It's time to get wet!

I'm so hoping to get this thing in the water some this year but the next few weeks are hell for me at work :-\

I'm on call all this week so who knows how that's gonna go, then sunday I fly to alpharetta, come back on friday night, sunday I head off to va beach and won't make it back till late friday :-\

neighbors kids are apparently in bed by 8:30 so I couldn't really get her dialed in and up to temp tonight, only ran it for about 5 minutes....

at least the floor is still dry under it

video today after I tweaked the idle/timing. Gotta pick up a cap/rotor for it tomorrow as I definitely have a bit of a misfire. Think you can even see it on the left exhaust in the video when the water stalls periodically.

Overall though I got her up to temp today and ran the oxalic acid through it, boy that water turned **** looking real quick with that stuff flowing through the engine
I had Pandora on pretty loud in the shop before I took a break and Bluetooth was still on when I played your video......yeah it sounds good!!
I had Pandora on pretty loud in the shop before I took a break and Bluetooth was still on when I played your video......yeah it sounds good!!

LOL, sneaking suspicion that might caught you a bit off guard...

Replaced cap/rotor/ignition sensor today and it honestly seems to run a little worse. Pulling plugs to inspect/check compression and all that jazz tonight. Carb is far from really dialed in yet, need to go grab a vacuum gauge to set the idle fuel mixture but it definitely has some actual backfires intermittently now.
What are you running for a carb?

It's only got a 850 on it right now but I'm thinking I need to step up to a 950 or 1050 dominator.

This is my first carb engine ever so I've just been reading up on it tonight. :rof:

Pulled the plugs and looking like some are not firing at all. Checked compression and I'm 200 on all but 2 cylinders, the other 2 are 185 and 190, and not entirely surprised by it with it being such a fresh engine.
Well been working on tracking down the misfiring issue, which ended up being completely retarded

They were old plug wires and I wanted a new carb anyways so I went out and bought a new set and a quickfuel fx4710 1050 dominator carb. This should let this big cube engine breath better, but after installing it all, and tweaking the carb a bit to get it to run (as well as checking manifold vacuum) it still wasn't running right and had a very big miss in it.

At that point I was kinda out of ideas, the engine is all new and compression is great, it has a new cap/rotor/ignition wires/ignition sensor and plugs so there damn well better not be a problem in the ignition at that point. It ran too good for the dizzy to be 180 out completely so what the hell?

Well... I'm looking at the firing order on the cap, and 502 standard firing order is 18436572

I happened to pull out my cam spec sheet and noticed in the top right it had 18726543FO, which I originally thought might have been a grind number or something....

Nope... FO was the new firing order this cam changed the motor to. cylinders 4/7 and 3/2 were firing 180 degrees out from the stock setup. so now this pic makes sense.....


Technically the dizzy was 180 out, but it meant that 4/7 and 3/2 were firing correctly, and the other 4 plugs that look like they were doing nothing were sparking during the exhaust stroke. I'm actually kinda surprised it ran as good as it did in this configuration.

So rewired the dizzy to the new firing order. First crank bang through the intake. I now realize I'm 180 out, so off comes the cap, out comes the dizzy, rotate her around once and slap it all back together. Fire it up and it sounds identical at idle (big lopey cam makes big lopey noises during misfires or not) but a quick touch of the throttle and she wants to flip over and take off. World of difference compared to before. Barely touch just the primary and it's 3500 rpms in the blink of an eye and sounds like a real motor now. I tell ya if an uneducated person walked by they might actually have thought I knew what I was doing with this motor the way it sounded.

So now it's time to get it into the hull... which naturally I leave tomorrow for 2 weeks for work so probably the 24th or 25th be the earliest it could go in.