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2005 pulsare 1600 br with or without power


Active member
link to craigslist ad with pics, this is my boat. Just bought it, too small for me...i recently purchased out of South Dakota and it was sold to me as an 18' boat..... coast guard sticker says it is a pulse 186.....it's actually 16' confirmed by hull id with kip at checkmate to be a 2005 1600br. I planned on putting my 200hp engine on it..... needless to say this boat is probably too small for a 200. I would be happy to sell the boat and trailer without the engine, as I had planned on putting this 115 4 stroke on my pontoon.

The boat is very, very nice....only flaws are some slight blistering on the hull sides on the back 2-3' of the boat, they are solid and did not break when I tapped with a hammer before I purchased it.
Interior is near perfect, carpet a little dirty right now but i'll be shampooing soon
Nice boat! It took me almost three years before I found a buyer for my 2009 Pulsare 1600. Be patient, you’ll eventually find someone. It’s definitely a niche market I found with the boat being so small. I sold mine for the same reason you are selling yours.
Price dropped to 8950

Lowered the price to 8950, and will consider trades Up or down for another boat, pontoon, atv, side by side.
I was just going to say, when the borders open I could be interested! Canadian as well. What were you asking for the hull?
Agreed on price is 4500. Hoping the borders 6/21 as planned. Just towed home a starliner.... garage and driveway are getting full haha