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88 Enchanter floor and stringer replacement


New member
Hello all New to the group, I am restoring a 1988 Enchanter. Here are some pic's I am looking for advice from the group on this project. Thanks

It keeps getting bigger... lol
Welcome to the forum, have you checked some of the other restorations done by members here? You likely will find a lot of answers in them.

To give you advice, you need to give us info on your plans.

Were you hoping to only do a small section of the floor and not spend a bunch of money and time?

Likely the whole floor has to come out, if you also find the stringers are rotten you probably need to replace them completely too, but sometimes you can find the front parts are good and splice onto them.
The next concern will be if the balsa core between the layers of fiberglass is also water damaged. Once you have the floor and stringers out you may have to cut a few spots open on the inside hull to confirm is good/bad or you may be able to tell without opening it up.
Hello , I did check out some other threads. Then i jumped in head first, I hope to have it finished by next weekend. Waiting on some bottom paint and an impeller for 200 hp Suzuki. Floors and stringers are out . I will have to go another 1/2 feet in the bow to make my splice to good wood. It sure would have been nice to just have to do a small patch.lol Hope to be done in to weeks.
Have you checked the transom? It is likely if the stringers were bad that water has been absorbed there. Good time to verify this before installing the floor and stringers. Good luck with your project.
not to rain on your parade here, but I seriously doubt that transom is dry/solid with that much rot in the floor and stringer system.

Have you drilled some test holes into it or just knocked on it?

Cool project!
I drilled a drain a kole at the bottom of the transom under the drain plug. no water and sounds and feels solid
On an Enchanter there most certainly is a Balsa core.

It will be between the outer and inner layers of fiberglass on the hull bottom and sides. There is core also in the deck top. But the only areas that usually get water logged is the core on the hull bottom.
How does your core look? Before installing the stringers and floor I would check that closely. The balsa core will look black or discolored. Friend and I replaced over half of his core in the same boat.