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92 Pulse 185 Restoration

:bigthumb: Wow, Very nice job you should be very proud. Looks great , AAron

Thanks AAron I really appreciate your response . This site has helped keep

me fired up. I came close to buying a Starflight but, the Pulse came along

about the same time a whole lot cheaper. Now I second guess myself . Was

the Pulse really a better deal? I'll never know I suppose. Maybe I'll find

another Starflight one day or a Pulsare .
David did the seat & misc. other items on this incredible chopper.


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What a bike In person you just see more & more detail it's beautiful


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why are you running dual batteries?

Hey Chris E Just for peace of mind. We run some lonely places down here sometimes.
I've also had a few battery issues over the years.

The E-Tec is not suppose to need the battery once it's started so I should
have a pretty good system here other than the extra weight .

Fill me in on your thinking . Am I being over redondant?

Acting like an old man or something . I ain't beyond yanking one of those suckers outa there.
redundent? maybe - i assume you are wired to a dual battery switch, just make sure you dedicate battery one to cranking and battery 2 to house if you are running both then you will lose both batteries at once defeating the purpose. the other thing you will need is an isolator which will charge only the battery that needs the charge.
redundent? maybe - i assume you are wired to a dual battery switch, just make sure you dedicate battery one to cranking and battery 2 to house if you are running both then you will lose both batteries at once defeating the purpose. the other thing you will need is an isolator which will charge only the battery that needs the charge.

Yep dual battery switch . Yep wise advise on the one battery to crank.

The isolator is a hot tip . Is that like a Boaters World item? Any suggestions
on where to buy one ? Thanks Chris
you should be able to pick up an isolator at any marine store. merc used to offer one that was a good unit, don't know if they still have it.
That is a beautiful boat!

you should be able to pick up an isolator at any marine store. merc used to offer one that was a good unit, don't know if they still have it.

Thanks Jamey :thumb: I've had guy's say some nice things & it means alot But I think I should also say thank you to the guy's & gal's at Checkmate Boats

Chris E After your tip on the isolator I broke out my Operators Guide & on page 47 under Battery Charging it says(50-Amp,Fully Regulated,Dual Isolated
I am not at all sure what Dual Isolated means.I then found an article on line
from 2005 stating that Evinrude has a Isolator Kit that can be added.What do you think? I plan on talking to my Dealer on Tuesday or maybe call the hotline
Thanks again Chris E I usually learn things the hard way. Out with two batterys and there both dead I would have been doing some head scraching:bigthumb:
Hey haftoo55 It's cool knowing that you probably built that interior.
I've got the Ohio connection going on.
I own a Checkmate & C-Hawk Trailer

And back years before I bought the boat my little sister
married an Ohio boy.She lives Hamilton (Colerain)
Who would have ever dreamed of all this from a carolina boy.