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Board Closing

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Originally posted by 175checkmate:
We are not closing YET. There may be something in the works.

Explain please Gus?
I can say the board is not going to close any time soon.

I want to thank all of the great members that emailed me telling me how much they enjoy the board and asking if there was some way, any way, for them to help keep the board open. I appreciate your kind words and offers of money and various forms of help. You made me realize that perhaps I had been a bit rash, by allowing a few members to frustrate me and close the board.

To be honest I was a little overwhelmed with the number of emails I received, and I realized just how much the board means to many of you.

From now on though, I'm going to speak my mind a little more. I'm not going to have people bashing my moderators, myself, or this board. And attempts to disguise bashing as constructive criticism or the like isn't going to be tolerated.

So on the note....closing this out. :thumb:
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