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The wave crushing ability and good ride came from the weight of the Apache/Chief.. Apche's are still around because they were built like tanks and could handle whatever the ocean could hand it. They were not the fastest because of the weight. When the water got rough they would walk away from their competition because of the wave crushing ability.

From what I understand Checkmate shaved over 4000 pounds off this boat. Will it be able to still crush waves being so much lighter? The Apache/Chief is still may favorite boat. Glad to see this well known classic reborn.

The last boat built from this mold was 2006 here is the video.
That boat is awesome and no matter what anyone says about it, its awesome. Thats what it all comes down to. Some people might not like some parts of it. But its awesome! Some people might not like other parts of it, but its awesome. Some people are upset that it does not run a hundred, but thats ok its still awesome!!! Just wait til someone builds a race version with no cabin and 700's and they blow up the offshore circuit with it! Just wait til Jeff takes it on some poker runs and nobody can keep up in rough water except 50 foot cats! The thing is flat out awesome.
Enough said.

The wave crushing ability and good ride came from the weight of the Apache/Chief.. Apche's are still around because they were built like tanks and could handle whatever the ocean could hand it. They were not the fastest because of the weight. When the water got rough they would walk away from their competition because of the wave crushing ability.

From what I understand Checkmate shaved over 4000 pounds off this boat. Will it be able to still crush waves being so much lighter? The Apache/Chief is still may favorite boat. Glad to see this well known classic reborn.

The last boat built from this mold was 2006 here is the video.
The boat in that video is the nicest looking Apache I have seen to date. Some of the older Apache boats have some ****tiest paint schemes I have ever seen! All neon colors and the indian head artworks looking like they where done by a kindergartner!

You are right, but you have to remember the tiem frame most of those were made. LOL. I am also a big Powerplay fan, but the graphics on most Powerplays makes them look really dated. Hack a lot of Checkmates graphics make them look really dated. I think my boat has that problem.

The one thing I would want if I ever had the opportunity to buy/spec a new boat, would be a graphics package that would stand the test of time. For me that would mean a solid white boat and with the new vinyl graphics you could do a wrap and change the whole look of the boat every 5 or ten years. I have seen some boats with wraps that looked really good.

You are right, but you have to remember the tiem frame most of those were made. LOL. I am also a big Powerplay fan, but the graphics on most Powerplays makes them look really dated. Hack a lot of Checkmates graphics make them look really dated. I think my boat has that problem.

The one thing I would want if I ever had the opportunity to buy/spec a new boat, would be a graphics package that would stand the test of time. For me that would mean a solid white boat and with the new vinyl graphics you could do a wrap and change the whole look of the boat every 5 or ten years. I have seen some boats with wraps that looked really good.

I think you could do it with a few of the solid colors too. Say an all blue or red hull with mostly white seating. Then add stripes or graphics in white, silver, charcoal or gray as you like every few years. The change would not be as dramatic as wraping the whole boat but I think you could keep it current looking with a little effort.
I just read that it ran 91 in testing yesterday. Can any one confirm this? Sounds like things are working out great on this boat.
I just read that it ran 91 in testing yesterday. Can any one confirm this? Sounds like things are working out great on this boat.

Well now i have read it in the internet too, so that means it must be true.

Great news if it did, i hope they get that thing lined out and runnin strong to shut up all the naysayers.
It was on Serious Offshore. Thats why I was asking if those that are in the know, could yea or nay anything.