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Am I the only person thats a little disappointed the 43 isn't at least cracking 100 M.P.H.

Thought I understand this is checkmates first go at a boat this size. And with the new lighter composite materials they aired on the side of smaller motors. And I'm not the one writing the checks.

Still I wish they would have opted for the 850 HP merc motors...

Just sayn... Flame suit on.

Lets not forget your boat can fit in the cuddy cabin, The 85 it has hit now with 700's has gained a lot of respect from the big power boaters. If the boat does achieve the 90 mark with 700's that will be the talk off the boat sites.

The last boat that was built out of that mold had two 950's and while testing it for the first time it only hit 70. Checkmate had nothing to do with the motor size thats what the owner wanted. I think it was a very conservative choice on his part.
Well Said Big Red

Well Said Big Red. Have a Great Day and Best Wishes Always to You Checkmate Members. Always Sammie Action Marine
Am I the only person thats a little disappointed the 43 isn't at least cracking 100 M.P.H.

Thought I understand this is checkmates first go at a boat this size. And with the new lighter composite materials they aired on the side of smaller motors. And I'm not the one writing the checks.

Still I wish they would have opted for the 850 HP merc motors...

Just sayn... Flame suit on.

I suppose in terms of marketing exposure/attention, the 43 might suffer a little from not being slated as a triple digit runner ----{yet;)}
But I'm not a marketing/sales expert so I can't really speak to that.

However, I can say with absolute certainty, --- it will take very little effort for any decent boat mechanic to get this monsta past {well past} the 100 mark.
Actually after a few years even the back yard yahoos are gonna get their hands on a few of these and they'll be building them up with all the typical proverbial "hot rodder antics" that we {ah-um, I mean they :D} love to screw with :eyecrazy:

Ya, even though after all the dialing in {prop testing / reducing step suctioning / drive heights / etc...} the 43 will end up a little south of the 100 mark, but really, for all intensive purposes this is a 100 mph style boat.

{Fire extinguisher in hand :thumb:}
There has been a lot of talk/bashing on OSO about not hitting the triple digit mark. This being said mostly bu sunsation/fountain/hustler guys. Those 3 boats I just mentioned that will scratch on/exceed the 100 mph mark with the 700/nxt setup are not half the boat as this Chief mold. They are narrower, less deadrise, and have much shorter free board. I was extremely impressed by the dry weight of the new 43. CM's construction lightened up that thing very significantly yet it is still solid. Those other boats are also constructed very light and usually have limited/not full sized cabins to run those speeds. The CM 43 is full size, and full featured and I would compare it more to the likes of a Black Thunder. When the new 43 breaks the 90 mark I believe that is very very impressive for a boat of that size and wave crushing ability. This is a big water boat....not a lengthened lake boat with big power like most of what is on the market hitting the big speeds.
You tripple digit naysayers are forgetting the most important thing! It's not getting to 100mph that counts...it's how well you run at respectable speeds in big water! The original Apaches were never the fastest boats!! They were just the fastest in big water! When the ocean got snotty during the old offshore races all the cats would tuck their tails between thier legs and back off:eyecrazy:...half the V-bottoms would fall apart:shakehead:...but Ben Kramer & Bob Sacente in the Apache 41 would blast through the biggest water and astonish every other boat;). The Little Ceasars Pizza 47' Apache was a monster in Big Water (10'+ seas)!!! I'm sure Checkmate will get the Punisher to run close to 90mph or faster. You need to give them credit for bringing the 43' Chief molds back to life!!:thumb:
Hey gf leave hustler out of this they don't have a dog in this fight they don't even make a 43. The idiot on oso who is beating this boat is trying to compare this boat to the 700 benchmark with 39 footers. That's not even a fair comparison this thin is much larger
Wow, pumped with the rig and pumped for the people who put in the time and money!

I agree with Jupiter, Someone dig up one of those old apache race vids where they are killing it in big waves.

being a big motor novice, what would it take (roughly) to put the boat over 100 with the 700s? would those take any kind of charging? and would that get it up enough? Big Red? youre usually the one with some sound logic on that front, anyone? bueller?
Hey gf leave hustler out of this they don't have a dog in this fight they don't even make a 43. The idiot on oso who is beating this boat is trying to compare this boat to the 700 benchmark with 39 footers. That's not even a fair comparison this thin is much larger

I apologize with that inaccuracy....had I been allowed to use Google for posting information I might have learned that. :thumb:

I threw Hustler in there because they hit some amazing speeds with those motors but more often than not the ones that I see doing it don't have full size/length cabins or no cabin at all. That is a huge speed advantage getting rid of all that bow weight-less to push, and less horsepower is wasted to lift the bow and can be put to increased prop pitch instead.

Hustlers are great boats and I would buy one given the chance.
Wow, pumped with the rig and pumped for the people who put in the time and money!

I agree with Jupiter, Someone dig up one of those old apache race vids where they are killing it in big waves.

being a big motor novice, what would it take (roughly) to put the boat over 100 with the 700s? would those take any kind of charging? and would that get it up enough? Big Red? youre usually the one with some sound logic on that front, anyone? bueller?

Depending on where They end up on speed after its all said and done (my uneducated guess 91) I would think the whipple stage 3 upgrade would do it no problem it's just a pulley swap and an ecu reprogram
first off i would like to congratulate checkmate on this beautiful boat and a great build!

that being said, i have read alot on here and on OSO about this being a checkmate production boat. i was under the understanding that this is a one off build for a customer(jeff) and they built it to his liking....am i wrong? i do understand that checkmate could build this boat for another individual to there specs/liking. maybe jeff wanted reliable power and it to run 90? with a full cabin not an offshore speed demon? just thinking outloud i guess
Being that Jeff is a Checkmate dealer

My take on this boat is that Jeff built a demo boat for his business.
It is a platform to sell more of these boats and it is "for sale" as well.

But I think the above statement over simplifies what is going on here. He has taken a large personal risk, he has, along with others put his heart and soul into this one. I'm guessing that he would like to keep this one, at least for a little while, but it is business.

My opinion, and I'm often wrong.
For a true 43'er to get close to 100 mph with 700's is a MONUMENTAL task.

As far as the other baots mentioned, yes the Huslter 39 Rockit is in fact a rocket, a rocket that is 4' shorter, and it has a molded swim platform so true running surface, it is more than 4' shorter.

The 42' Fountain is a skinny little thing and when you count the molded swim platform and the beak, it is significantly smaller. A full staggered 42 with 700's might hit 100, but it aint nearly as big a boat.

The Sunsation F4 is a killer boat and my favorite of the 3, but mostly due to styling, amenities, and rigging, and it might hit 100 with 700's powering it also, that I am not sure about. But, again put them on Lake Michigan, the ocean, or big water of your choice and it probably will get left behind by the big Checkmate. Pure speculation on my part, but based on the Apaches proven big water performance, I am OK with that speculation. Again, the Sunsation F4 has a molded swim platform where the Checkmate has a flat transom and is a true 43' boat.

The guys on OSO are no different than we are in most cases. Brand loyal to a fault sometimes. Many of us on here have made comments that I was floored by when comparing Checkmates to other boats, just like a Hustler fan would on OSO, or a Sunny fan would on the Sunsation sight, or a Fountain fanboy, some of the most over the top, would when defending their brand.

Fact is Checkmate appears to have hit a home run with this boat. The proof will be in the pudding, and if it goes mid 90's with 700's EVERYONE in the offshore community with a lick of sense will have to give them props.

Props, get it??? Do you see what I did there?
Someone correct me if I am wrong, but for the past 10-12 years platforms are counted in the L.O.A., regardless of if they are molded in or bolt-on. So the Punisher is 41 plus the platform.

Doesn't really matter...just adding to the above post.

Someone correct me if I am wrong, but for the past 10-12 years platforms are counted in the L.O.A., regardless of if they are molded in or bolt-on. So the Punisher is 41 plus the platform.

Doesn't really matter...just adding to the above post.


Well, you are probably right and I did overlook that fact. I am not sure about other manufacturers, but Checkmate is the only one I know of tha twas including bolt on swim platforms in LOA. That is why they always listed it with an * and a little side not that said length including platform.

And, it was the Apache 41 hull, not sure why I didn't catch that. I guess it was the fanboy coming out in me.
Just typing out loud,
This boat is nothing but sweet. This boat is also built the way Jeff wanted it. That being said we would never talk down anyone else's boat they had built. Wether you like it or not I think we need to respect that this is what Jeff wanted in his boat. When we build ours then Checkmate will build it how we want it. So till one of us gets ours built lets just love it. Nice boat jeff!
Just typing out loud,
This boat is nothing but sweet. This boat is also built the way Jeff wanted it. That being said we would never talk down anyone else's boat they had built. Wether you like it or not I think we need to respect that this is what Jeff wanted in his boat. When we build ours then Checkmate will build it how we want it. So till one of us gets ours built lets just love it. Nice boat jeff!

X2 -- here here !!!! :bigthumb: