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up dates

Jetmate When the 43 ft Checkmate was at the Checkmate Factory being built and tested Doug Smith Made sure that I Got the Pictures and up dates First by Emails and even phone calls to my Home so that I Could Pass this Information onto this Checkmate forum First before any other Web site Got it. He knew how Important it was to Me that Chris and You Checkmate Members Got this Information First and I Thank Doug Smith for this. Now that the 43 ft Checkmate has been Delivered to the Dealer, Checkmate and Doug Smith is out of the Picture. Its up to the Dealer Now that Bought the 43 ft Checkmate to Keep this Checkmate Forum up to date if that's what they want to do. Have a Great Day and Best Wishes Always Sammie Action Marine
Two 8 inch thru hulls would look nice sticking out in the back.

I agree, a couple of huge thru hulls would look awesome --- also when you combined big mota exhausts like that, with the right pipe sizing and a reduction of pipe bends--the sound can be even more "thunderous" ---especially if you put downward pointing tips so as the sound can bounce/echo of the water.

However in anycase, this is a gorgeous performance craft the way it is.
To be honest, before Checkmate came along with this 43 ftr --- if I were to have had the money for a "new" monsta performance boat over the 36 ft size, my focus would've been on Hustler or maybe even Nordic, but now, when I do win the lottery ;) I'll be making a trip to Ohio.
Jetmate When the 43 ft Checkmate was at the Checkmate Factory being built and tested Doug Smith Made sure that I Got the Pictures and up dates First by Emails and even phone calls to my Home so that I Could Pass this Information onto this Checkmate forum First before any other Web site Got it. He knew how Important it was to Me that Chris and You Checkmate Members Got this Information First and I Thank Doug Smith for this. Now that the 43 ft Checkmate has been Delivered to the Dealer, Checkmate and Doug Smith is out of the Picture. Its up to the Dealer Now that Bought the 43 ft Checkmate to Keep this Checkmate Forum up to date if that's what they want to do. Have a Great Day and Best Wishes Always Sammie Action Marine

That makes sense. Is Checkmate now out of the Loop on their new baby?

The boat is up near me now, but I'm afraid it looks like the dealer is no longer a new Checkmate dealer? I think the 43 was built for the owner, and is listed as 'used' on the dealer site?
I wish onthehammer would check in.
I sure would like to see some in depth video on the 43. Maybe next time around. It might help sell more boats, especially if it was on youtube!
The boat is up near me now, but I'm afraid it looks like the dealer is no longer a new Checkmate dealer? I think the 43 was built for the owner, and is listed as 'used' on the dealer site?
I wish onthehammer would check in.

That sounds ominous....
still a dealer

The boat is up near me now, but I'm afraid it looks like the dealer is no longer a new Checkmate dealer? I think the 43 was built for the owner, and is listed as 'used' on the dealer site?
I wish onthehammer would check in.

The 43 Punisher is listed and of course it is a new 2013 Checkmate.Its probably where the photo and information was placed on their listing.
The boat is in their inventory to sell.

Every boat advertised belongs to the owner of the dealer and for sale.

Today they are still an active Checkmate dealer untill you hear or see otherwise.
The 43 Punisher is listed and of course it is a new 2013 Checkmate.Its probably where the photo and information was placed on their listing.
The boat is in their inventory to sell.

Every boat advertised belongs to the owner of the dealer and for sale.

Today they are still an active Checkmate dealer untill you hear or see otherwise.

I was mostly wondering about all the new boats that went to PBS in PA.
Denny, thank you for clearing up with the guys here, I appreciate the help. The boat is new, I just checked the wrong box. Things have been busy here and working on clearing out 2012 inventory before we can get ready for the upcoming season. I will take some time this week and get some more info for all of you posted up.
Here is a pic of the engine compartment in the the last boat built from that mold.
The 2006 Chief

That's exactly the exhaust setup that I was talking about...
Anyway where did that boat go? What speeds did it run with what motors? Anyone know? I'm just curious.
The Chief is for sale and has been for quite some time, look in OSO classifieds. If I remember correct those are 900's and the boat is a little slow with that power.