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Convincor LS Swap Project Thread

Well, today was the day. I finally got to hear her fire up!!! Needless to say, I was not disappointed!! Motor sounds amazing and runs better than I ever imagined. My goal when I started this was to build a motor that would be a lightweight equivalent to a hp500. Well, I surpassed that!!! Final numbers today........ 572.3 hp, 566 lbft!!! There is still some tuning to be done when it gets into the boat and I'm adding a 1" carb spacer. My builder thinks it'll actually do a little better in the boat than it did on the dyno with it getting cleaner air and a nice constant supply of cool lake water.

At the end of the day, I am beyond pleased with how this turned out and absolutely CAN NOT WAIT TO GET IT IN THE BOAT!!! The sound this thing makes is amazing. I'll post some videos, but they will not do it justice. i can hardly imagine what it will sound like through the Lightning headers screaming across water.

Next on the list is to get most of the rigging done with the new fuel system and cooling. Then put the motor in her new home.

Here is some REAL motor porn for ya....

First fire up, got the idle set up. Thing idles at 800rpm like a dream!!


One of the first few dyno pulls:


From behind the dyno through the mufflers. This was the 572hp pull

Im diggin it. :bigthumb:

Also carbs rule! This thing was right out of the box, I was impressed!

My blow thru jetting was off by a mile when I got it.. Corey's looked spot on. It's pretty snappy too. Should be a lot of fun!
Welllllllllll doneeee!!!

Ps dont tell the wife lol

Actually she is as excited about it as I am!!! Her exact words "You mean we will finally be able to hear our boat start around all the other checkmates?". Heck, I even got a video from my girls on Saturday telling me "Make the motor go real fast daddy, we want to go out on the boat!!".

Best wife and kids ever.......:thumb:
Actually she is as excited about it as I am!!! Her exact words "You mean we will finally be able to hear our boat start around all the other checkmates?". Heck, I even got a video from my girls on Saturday telling me "Make the motor go real fast daddy, we want to go out on the boat!!".

Best wife and kids ever.......:thumb:

I love happy couples and families!!! nothing worse than having "friends" that always argue and fight when you hang out with them, and nothing better than to hang out with couples that love each other and are fun and happy.:cheers:
The eagle has landed!!!


Mother nature has not been cooperating with me recently. Between snow, rain and freezing cold, I haven't been able to get my boat out to drop the motor in so I was pretty much at a stand still since I couldn't mount anything else till I knew it would clear the motor. Well, today it was sunny and 70 degrees with a forecast of rain for the next 10-15 days, so I did what any other dedicated boater would do and blew off work so I could put the LS into her permanent home. I need to give a huge shout out to Nick (ndaniels) for all the help he has given me this winter. He has gien me a barn to work on the boat in and today I took it out to his farm to use his telehandler to drop the motor in. Made it a piece of cake!!! Next step is to get it all aligned and finish all the rigging!!! there is a light at the end of the tunnel now!!

Now, here is an answer to the big question, how much weight am I going to save? Well, as luck would have it, the farm happened to have a large truck scale. So we parked the boat on it to install the motor in and printed out weights before and after the motor was in. The results really surprised me!!!


The after weight shows a motor weight of 480 lbs!!! That weight also included me leaving my 35 lb toolbox in the boat. That 35lbs is a wash because my oil cooler and power steering pump (more on that pump later) weigh in at exactly 35lbs as well. When I got home I weighed my headers and they came in at 62 lbs. That's a fully dressed weight of 542 lbs!!! The 454 I took out came in at just over 1100 lbs!! (cast iron intake, heavy cast iron exhaust, cast iron everything!!) That's a weight savings of 560 lbs out of the back of the boat. I'm guessing the weight savings over a 500hp with headers would be 350-400lbs. So I am very happy with that. My only concern is how its going to handle with that much weight out of the back. Might end up having to add a little ballast, and should be able to get the rest of the bow lift with the prop.

Next step is final rigging!! Won't be long now!!!