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Enforcer w/a Bimini Top

Rob B

Staff member
So I've toss around adding a Bimini top to the Enforcer since the summers here are brutally hot. I actually bought the bimini top a couple of months ago but decided to add it after being at the lake last weekend with no cover. Also added a couple of rollers on the trailer and lastly finally got the thrust washer for the renegade prop. Here's a few pictures:


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25P Renegade prop and the rollers on the trailer


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Think it looks great! Alot of guys put them up too high.That's a nice size and the black looks great on your Boat. I like the lower ones as well they look like a car ragtop.When that sun heats up,you'll be glad you did.Nice pics.too.:bigthumb:
Looks great. Got to have a bimini this summer or you will fry. My 'mate has been parked for a month becasue it has been too hot to use it. My other boat has an 8 foot bimini and has been a blessing. Nothing like boating in the sun when it is 100 degrees. It sucks!

I'm planning on getting the pulsare in the water Saturday. Supposed to be a cool 82 degrees.

Interested to see what the prop does.
LOL You guy's are talking like it's Hot there?! It was 88 degrees here with about 98% humidity!(at night) For over a month now!(103-105w/heat index,during day) I thought it was me.Haven't had mine out either.It's okay once you're in the water,moving,but to get that far...should be a crazy 4th of July.Enjoy Fella's.
Last weekend it was 90* with the heat index 110*!!! That's hot!!! Of course I'm used to the heat born and raised here, rather have that than the cold weather. The bimini is 6' long 36" high and 72" wide.
About this time last year I was asking about a bimini for my boat.

We hit 103* last weekend and set the record for hottest June in history. Crops are dead, no rain in a month. Weekend supposed to be in 80's with lows in 50s and 60s. I'm happy about that.

What did you not like about the anchor shade? Too much trouble to put up and down and no shade while running?
Looks great. Got to have a bimini this summer or you will fry. My 'mate has been parked for a month becasue it has been too hot to use it. My other boat has an 8 foot bimini and has been a blessing. Nothing like boating in the sun when it is 100 degrees. It sucks!

I'm planning on getting the pulsare in the water Saturday. Supposed to be a cool 82 degrees.

Interested to see what the prop does.

I'm still fighting the porposing on top end and I'm not sure what's causing it. So I'll try different props and maybe have the 26P raker double cupped. I'm thinking I don't have enough bow lift.
About this time last year I was asking about a bimini for my boat.

We hit 103* last weekend and set the record for hottest June in history. Crops are dead, no rain in a month. Weekend supposed to be in 80's with lows in 50s and 60s. I'm happy about that.

What did you not like about the anchor shade? Too much trouble to put up and down and no shade while running?

The cockpit is to small to walk around the pole that holds the anchor shade. Plus any wind gust while putting it up and it becomes a pain. While putting it up a few weeks ago a gust of wind got it, had to get the anchor shade out of the water.
Here's a picture of the anchor point for the bimini. I'm going to replace that piece with a stainless steel one.


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Looks good, i may have to be under that on monday, lol! My head is peeling from last weekend:confused:...lol...Hmm now I have to talk you into letting me try that 24 raker of yours:poke::thumb:
First class bro, I like it:thumb:!!! I got to get one also and like that style better than the anchor shade as you can have it up while still moving. I would drop it for the high speed runs tho!
Looks good, i may have to be under that on monday, lol! My head is peeling from last weekend:confused:...lol...Hmm now I have to talk you into letting me try that 24 raker of yours:poke::thumb:

I'll bring the 24 and 26 raker props if you want to try both.:thumb:
First class bro, I like it:thumb:!!! I got to get one also and like that style better than the anchor shade as you can have it up while still moving. I would drop it for the high speed runs tho!

Plus the anchor shade is a pain the ass to mess with.:brickwall:
I doubt i can turn the 26, in my current state but maybe! I picked up a water pressure guage today, so im off to figure out how to put it in!!
I doubt i can turn the 26, in my current state but maybe! I picked up a water pressure guage today, so im off to figure out how to put it in!!

I got a black 150 turnin a 26p why can't that fishin mota turn it :poke:. JK with you. I would say you should be able to but your boat is heavier than mine and my mota has some stuff done to it. The plus side is it only takes a couple minutes to swap props:surf:. Spin her and see what she does!!!:thumb:
Im sure I could turn it, but with my setup I dunno if i can get the rpms where i would want them, stock 77 175 on a 19'3 boat, no setback, and on the highest hole but propshaft still a good 6" or so below bottom...which of course all is going to change....im turning a 23p SS "normal" style prop 5800 which is the rev limiter(61mph), so i dont know till i get a prop that gets me off the limiter, also the rakers will give me more bow lift and are ventilated so....where as my crap "all purpose" prop does nothing for my top end.... we shall find out monday! I am mostly wanting to see how the 24 raker changes the dynamics vs the all purp!
It will be interesting to see how they run. I wish I had someone near me to swap props to see what I like before putting money down on one I was not sure of. I will say the 26p on the playmate is a sweet prop that pushes the boat faster than I prob want it to go!!
LOL I have been following your thread about that!! Yeah I would say hang on.....

I think I could turn a 26p when im done, but just realistic in a 33 year old mota pushin a 32 year old boat, not that any thing is wrong with that, but it leaves the door open on all kinds of unknowns....I think a jack plate would do me wonders in both elevating the motor as well as much needed setback, but i have many tricks up my sleeve as to the old fishin mota....just have to start doing them...I had a 79 rude 235 the would turn 9k with a 27p cleaver on a 19ft glassmaster(very heavy boat, think old school game warden boat) needless to say the boat flew very well, ive had over 1/2 mile without any boat in the water, look back and you could see the "cuts" of water off the prop, no boat wake... the fun part was landing her, she would twist from the torque when she went airborne, so landing straight was very tricky....my young and dumb did this all with single cable steering, with my arm through the steering wheel fighting the torque steer, I look back and say i had a deathwish....fun times though!!