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My dad has Eddie Marine headers on his 496 HO and hasn't had any problems. Apples to oranges I know but I sure hope your issue gets resolved soon.
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EMI provided the soft/cheap hose which burnt through in a very short time. Jamie ended up next day airing in a section of the real hi-temp/real expensive silicone hose (not sure there is any other hose this expensive!) and although it didn't burn through, it got awful hot and began to char. He even closed the gap where the hoe was to less than an inch, still no good. I'm overall tweeked because i'm spending silly $$$ on this boat in general to make it as reliable and clean as i can, and i can't even trust new parts. Oh well, stay tuned, it will get better.... right? ;)

Are you running the long risers or the short ones?

I have the EMI thunder Manifolds with the long risers, and I am even running a water cross-over with only a 5/8 bypass and my risers get warm until my t-stat opens but then they are cool. Mine have four 3/8 holes (top, bottom, left, right) at the very end of the inner liner of the riser in which the water exits. I have never had a problem. I think BR might be onto something for you to check out......

Are you running the long risers or the short ones?

I have the EMI thunder Manifolds with the long risers, and I am even running a water cross-over with only a 5/8 bypass and my risers get warm until my t-stat opens but then they are cool. Mine have four 3/8 holes (top, bottom, left, right) at the very end of the inner liner of the riser in which the water exits. I have never had a problem. I think BR might be onto something for you to check out......

I don't have the boat, it's 1.5 hours way and undergoing a paint job and imco lower so i can't check what B.R. said to check at the moment. However, i don't have multiple holes for drains, just one large elongated one. they are short risers fwiw. I'm not running a t-stat, just a restrictor and water cross over set-up to simplify things.
I wouldn't think Jamie a professional would put a hose in kinked if he did the work.
I have seen air leaks such as a bad o-ring between the upper and lower unit hinder the water pressure to the sea water pump and that was hard to find. The system operates on 10 to 12 psi. not familiar with EMI exhaust and everything else said. I would think you would have to ring out the whole system to rule out other problems besides the exhaust. start from the pickup holes in the drive to the hoses to the exhaust. keep in mind if you are going to an Imco lower you will then have a low water pickup in the nose of that unit. They are more prone to pickup sand and sediment than the dual water pickup. It could add to the problem if that happens. They also cram more water in the unit long as all is clear and could help.
Good luck with it I'm sure you will find it with all the good advice everyone has to offer.

The red hose I put on the engine below you can't kink without noticing. it doesn't bend easy and I like it. never had a issue using this hose. It is a mercury racing part number.
I don't suspect any install problems from lakeside either, i think we're way beyond that at this point. And I didn't mean to hi-jack the thread either, just that things progressed into having to spit out the news as it stands. thanks for sure to everyone who offered advice. I did run it this way for a few months until it was parked for the winter, so it really isn't all that bad, just not proper.