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I am new... Can you help me?

Jallen, his camp was by Warsaw Marina just off the Blood River. The wood is actually in real good shape, just one area of concern I found today. If you get a chance, drop me a line at btrbill@yahoo.net since we live so close. I would love for you to come take a look at it here on the Northshore.


I'd love to, Bill. Finding time is a whole other story, however. I'm sure we'll get together one day. In the meantime, drop me a PM if you have any questions. I restored my Exciter from the shell up myself, so I learned a few things along the way.

btw, there's a "5.7 marine" engine for sale on the New Orleans craigslist the the seller can demo for you.

P.S. If you buddy has no time for his camp, either, let me know. I'd love to have something on the water up that way.