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Just Bought a Checkmate Trimate 2

Has anyone on this forum ever used vinyl spray paint on seats?

I havent used it but a guy I know that owns a upholstery shop said it works very well . He sprayed it in his truck just to see how it worked and its been in there for almost 3 yrs now and still looks good .
Update and more pics

I completely tore out that front deck. Stringer is rotten to about a foot behind it, the flaotation foam under the back deck is rotten and I have not dug back as far as possible but the bad parts are like a sponge that holds water. I'm going to dig out as much as possible as and squirt more foan in there and go with it for this summer, maybe rebuild the whole thing next year.

Updated photos:

Inside showing transom and bilge:

Ugly spot where motor has worn into fiberglass and previous owner goobed up around the drain with silicone:


Spot where motor mount wore into fiberglass in back:


Cracked motor mount:

I am off I-20 not far from ALA and I am very good with fiberglass and paint.
I have worked in and owned a body shop for a long time until last year I sold my shop.

If you need any help I can fix it for you or show you how.

you supply the materials/beer and we can get it done no problem.

I'm new to this forum. I was at a yard sale last week and bought a Checkmate Trimate 2 for $600, it was sold as is and I don't know if anything works yet. It did have registration stickers on it from last year. I pulled the front deck out, wood was in terrible shape. I see a few hairline cracks around the transom, but it's not terrible bad. I hope to get her up and running for some lake fun this summer. If anyone has any advice, I'd love to hear it.

Nice snag! A little time and effort and you can have this thing in great shape.
Old thing has been sitting in a barn for quite a while. I'm pulling it out tomorrow to revisit the project. I'm going to rebuild that front deck and clean it up as much as possible and carry it somewhere to get an opinion on what ti will take to get her lake worthy, then either sell it or get it running.
Well I've had this project for too long and I have too much to do so we are selling the boat. I'll post photos soon, I rebuilt the front deck, the back is still unfinished. Located in central Alabama.