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Liberty Mates Are Overdue For A Hoedown! Who's In?


Well-known member
C'mon Guys! It's been too long. Let's get together and have some face time before we turn to pumpkins.
Who's In?
Give your input to time and place.
I'm thinkin' 1 day either Labor Day weekend or the weekend after. We could do Manhattan and up the Hudson for lunch in Ossining, Delaware to Philly, Greenwood or Hopatcong.
Any opinions or commitments?
I'm definitely in for the Delaware, and may be in for any other location. If we run south, JLN may be able to meet up as well:cheers:

What does everyone else think?
i will try my best to meet you guys anywhere. would be great to meet up again somewhere before the season ends.
I'll keep an eye on this and will make it if the schedule and funds allow. The Greenwood Lake races are Sept 15/16 and there is another run up at Sacandaga the weekend before. If you guys want to join the party at Sacandaga it should be a good time. Last time it was more about the run to the dam, this time its more about beaching at Sand Island and having a party. I'm going to post info about it over in the events section soon.
I should be able to make a trip either weekend. We only get back from Europe the 28th, and I have to fix the leaking carb that week as well as catch up on work after the vacation.

I won't have the full family if it's Manhattan - we'd struggle to keep the 11mth old still for that trip. His days of sleeping all afternoon are long gone - now he's on his hands and knees everywhere!

I'll watch this space.

Time to get back to my beer here on the deck at the villa.
Joie de vivre :cheers:
Enjoy the rest of your vacation Kris. I'll sit back and watch what you all decide to do. I've got those two weekends locked in come heck or high water so if I can make whatever you all decide to do or if you guys decide to make one of those two deals I posted the get together we'll have a good time no matter what.
Who's in for Sunday the 2nd of September on the Delaware? We could run down to the Navy Yard in Philadelphia. From there we could run back and grab some food at Curtains and a nice place to achor up after food, or the other way around. Anchor up before food... Any takers?
I'm waiting to hear back on the date of the Lobster dinner at the cove up here. When I find out I will let you know. Hopefully I'll have an answer today. I want to do a run on the Delaware for sure, especially with guys like you and Sim who know your way around.
i might be in for sept 2 on the deleware. have to see how funds go since i blew some most of them going down for the rock the bay poker run.
i might be in for sept 2 on the deleware. have to see how funds go since i blew some most of them going down for the rock the bay poker run.

It shouldn't be an expensive day... although I don't know what your fuel burn is. Maybe just join up while we are in the Burlington area:cheers:
I'm good for 9-2 on the Delaware unless atc's thang is 9-2 in which case we could do greenwood on sunday and delaware on mon. If john doesn't have too big a lobster headache:devil:. Saturday the 1st could prob. do Del but won't be getting in till after midnight (1-3ish AM) so even if all flights go right might be kinda schleppy.
I'm smellin' 2-stroke in my mental nostrils as I type. Gettin' a chubby. Gotta go.
It shouldn't be an expensive day... although I don't know what your fuel burn is. Maybe just join up while we are in the Burlington area:cheers:
I will probably be out. Might not be able to run all the way down. Spent more than i should have last weekend. Sucks but i have to watch my spending while wife isn't working and paying for two homes. I burn a tad bit more than you guys so it does get a little expensive.
I will probably be out. Might not be able to run all the way down. Spent more than i should have last weekend. Sucks but i have to watch my spending while wife isn't working and paying for two homes. I burn a tad bit more than you guys so it does get a little expensive.
Who says everybody has to fuel and take their boat the full distance? Any one of our boats has room for another 3-5 people.
Any objections to shooting for a Delaware to Philadelphia run on Sunday Sept. 2nd?
I have a feeling that knarloid and I will both be putting in at Trenton around 11ish, at Burlington noonthirtyish (which is probably around where we'll meet Ram) and in Philly by 2.
Anybody wants to ride in our boats is more than welcome. If Rams wife is smart (albeit possibly a little disloyal) she'll probably wanna hitch a ride for her and the baby in one of the bigger boats. That's what hooked Mandy on a Liner when she was pregnant.
I'm gonna have to get back to you all on this. The wife has me pretty ticked off agreeing to go to functions without even talking to me first and AFTER I mentioned to her last night that I want to do this with the kids with or without her. We're gonna have to straighten some stuff out when I get home.
Who says everybody has to fuel and take their boat the full distance? Any one of our boats has room for another 3-5 people.
Any objections to shooting for a Delaware to Philadelphia run on Sunday Sept. 2nd?
I have a feeling that knarloid and I will both be putting in at Trenton around 11ish, at Burlington noonthirtyish (which is probably around where we'll meet Ram) and in Philly by 2.
Anybody wants to ride in our boats is more than welcome. If Rams wife is smart (albeit possibly a little disloyal) she'll probably wanna hitch a ride for her and the baby in one of the bigger boats. That's what hooked Mandy on a Liner when she was pregnant.

She doesn't need a ride in a bigger boat- she already said we need a bigger boat after the day on greenwood lake. I'm counting on a flat calm day:D

Cool! I promise not to leave any fingerprints.

I think you have been banished from stepping foot on his boat. He is going to use a pole to push you away when trying to swim close. Yes, there will likely be 4 coats of wax on the pole as well:bigthumb:

I'm gonna have to get back to you all on this. The wife has me pretty ticked off agreeing to go to functions without even talking to me first and AFTER I mentioned to her last night that I want to do this with the kids with or without her. We're gonna have to straighten some stuff out when I get home.

Ouch... good luck my friend:eyecrazy:
I'm gonna have to get back to you all on this. The wife has me pretty ticked off agreeing to go to functions without even talking to me first and AFTER I mentioned to her last night that I want to do this with the kids with or without her. We're gonna have to straighten some stuff out when I get home.
You might wanna check out the "burning rubber" video again.
Suddenly it all makes sense.:rof:
If he was smart he'd have left her at the curb while he sped away. :)

Well thanks to my wife responding yes to us attending my friend's son's birthday party and thanks to him doing the party on Labor Day weekend each and every year I wont be attending on Sunday. I still haven't heard back about the date of the cove party either. It's too bad the wife doesn't share my enthusiasm for boating in new and different places. If something changes I will let you know.