it would be an honor to have your fingerprint on our boat , however i did replenish my stock of quick detailerCool! I promise not to leave any fingerprints.
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it would be an honor to have your fingerprint on our boat , however i did replenish my stock of quick detailerCool! I promise not to leave any fingerprints.
You know John........birthday parties come and go do wives. But a day on the water with the guys = priceless.If he was smart he'd have left her at the curb while he sped away.
Well thanks to my wife responding yes to us attending my friend's son's birthday party and thanks to him doing the party on Labor Day weekend each and every year I wont be attending on Sunday.
If it ends up I can make it with my daughter and catch a ride with Sim I will let you know.
Back from our month long trip to Europe. Had a fantastic trip, and managed to get out on the water in a friends Maxum (beggars can't be choosers!!!) to play with the Tall Ships festival in Dublin last weekend.
That's us bottom left in the photo of the Mexican ship, then alongside in the other photo.
Just got the replacement screw for the carb fitted. I'm ready for the weekend.
For Sunday, I'm planning to be launching early - before 10. It will be just me, so will be playing on the river until everyone arrives (unless you're already there).
I'll be around till early afternoon (2-ish?).
Looking forward to it!
how far up the creek is your ramp anywhere near rt 543. i hope to get an early start . most likely head out from hargroves. the weather so far is looking ok maybe a chance of a shower or storm at this point. not a big fan of getting drenched , was out last thursday in the delaware bay it was so calm like glass ,scary calm , then the dark clouds rolled in and the heavy rains came that part kinda sucked , but the sun came out an hour later. hope to see you guys sundayNice pics Kris, glad you had a good trip
I might join you early the on river, and have my wife and son join up a little later. Give me a call or text later this week with your plan. The river is great in the morning. It seems like no one hits the water until after 11 or so We could also take a cruise up the creek I launch from and get some speed runs, pics and gopro vids
how far up the creek is your ramp anywhere near rt 543. i hope to get an early start . most likely head out from hargroves. the weather so far is looking ok maybe a chance of a shower or storm at this point. not a big fan of getting drenched , was out last thursday in the delaware bay it was so calm like glass ,scary calm , then the dark clouds rolled in and the heavy rains came that part kinda sucked , but the sun came out an hour later. hope to see you guys sunday
Spencer - I'm interested in meeting up early with the cameras. I'm just waiting to see if a friend (buyer of my Enticer) is going to join me (either with his boat or in mine).
What is it to your creek from Trenton - 30mins? I recall the no-wake zones are a killer for progress on the first few miles heading south.
You should talk him into making the trip with your old boat!
i will probably meet up with you guys on rancocas. hopefully i will be out early but i have to button a couple things up first with the boat and hopefully wont be to hung over from saturday to get up early and finish things up.
ram, Still have your number so I will give you a buzz when i put in at croydon. if I can remember to put my laser 2 in the boat i will bring that for you to try if you want to swap props and try it. im not using them right now. its a 25p, might work good for you.
Don't worry Ram - it'll be there.
Same goes for Sims prop.