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Mistress IV - The Conception


Well-known member
I visited the plant yesterday to finish up the final details for my new 2400LD build. I will say the facility is spic-&-span clean and ready for business !!!
Mistress IV should be in the womb by next week. Expected delivery should be by the end of october. Plenty of time to break her in on LC before spring !!!!
Joe, Dean & Kip have been as accomodating as anyone could expect in the planning of this build. This will be a special build for both Checkmate and myself, since it will be the first 2400LD built in about 3 years and under a world class owner to boot.
So, stay tuned and I will keep all of you posted during the gestation period and the utlimate birth of my new Mistress !!!!:bounce:
I need some of those LED's like that guy in Holland had !!!
Just think I have the whole winter in my garage to develop this new relationship !!
Yep, similar to my last one. Shiny objects, yes similar to curb feelers and spinners from your culture. :rof:

Shhhhheeeeit boiy! You insinuatin i be frum da hood? Wher be muh md 20/20 and sum hoes?

Naw, peeps riding on spinners while trying to pull up their pants just throw rocks at mee so i stay away from their turf.....haha
Shhhhheeeeit boiy! You insinuatin i be frum da hood? Wher be muh md 20/20 and sum hoes?

Naw, peeps riding on spinners while trying to pull up their pants just throw rocks at mee so i stay away from their turf.....haha

Peeps got their bro-ham with da deuce and a quater.
Can't wait to see how the build goes. It's awesome to see Checkmate coming back to life.
We say a couple nice Mates over Labor Day weekend during our visit to Lee's Ford. Red 28 with twins down at Conley Bottom, a gray Starlet towing his kids on the tubes on Fishing Creek, and a 242 at LF. Sorry no pictures, my crew needs some lashes.
I knew it looked familiar, but he was headed out, and I was headed in so wifey could use the facilities. There was no turning around at that point or I'd be single boating.
Are we gonna get a pic by pic show of the build? Maybe Joe, Dean & Kip could provide use with that! Would love to see it come to life!!!!!