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Not sure if this is in the right spot,but here goes.Been hanging around the site for a few years,but haven't posted much as I ended up with a Glastron Carlson CVX20 back in 09.I recently had an MX-15 given to me.Buddy of mine couldn't sell it,so he pulled the 115 Evenrude off of it and was headed for the dump.I knew it needed some work as it had rubbed some rocks where the hull meets the transome,but I told him that if he didn't strip it I would take it.He dropped it off last week.He did take a coulple of guages out,but left me the steering and seats.Going to try and post a couple of pics of the damage to see if anyone can tell me if this can be repaired safely from the outside.The plan is to hang a Merc 1500 TOP on it just for a bit of fun.

Cheers Chris
Bottom does need to be painted also.Not real sure why the transom has that thin stainless plate on it as the hull,floor and transom appear to be very solid.Nice solid sound to the transom while tapping,but I'm no expert.Was think of drilling a couple of holes in the exposed transom wood where the rock rash exposed it to get a better idea of the condition.
man u could prolly fix that up from the out side no problem let it dry out real good an start sanding and flaring it out for layers of glass
Chris remove the windshield so you can flip the boat the repair is easier. I would grind the area with 36 grit then lay up some glass until it's built up to the original gelcoat. Then you'll need smooth the repaired area with marine putty/filler and paint. Do not drill a hole in the damaged area you will screw up the core.
Sure is fixable . Tear into it and lets get another resto thread started . Do yourself a favor and just asume the transom is bad and replace it . There are alot of memebers on here that have done transoms and and can give you some good advice ..... Good luck with the project always nice to see another mate get saved from the dump
Thanks Guys
I might just patch it up for now(for this year )and then see how it goes after that.I don't have a place to do it over the winter,so I don't want to start something I can't finish.Would like to get it wet this year though just to try it.

EDIT - i was wrong lol

the second pic looks like there is some kind of pad added to the hull (if that is really an MX-15 in the 2nd pic)
EDIT - i was wrong lol

the second pic looks like there is some kind of pad added to the hull (if that is really an MX-15 in the 2nd pic)

Pretty sure it's stock,but what do I know.It's only 5 or 6" wide.Did any of them come with a pad stock?What model?Go easy on me I don't know sh*t about Mates.

Pretty sure it's stock,but what do I know.It's only 5 or 6" wide.Did any of them come with a pad stock?What model?Go easy on me I don't know sh*t about Mates.

Im confused...thought mine was a mx 15.all mx15s ive seen had no pad. so now im thinking its a v-mate...maybe viper1 can set this straight.:popcorn: As far as the rock rash. its very fixable! ive built shelters with a wood frame and coverd with tarps. worked well!held heat well also
mx-15 bottom

paulsboats the MX-15 Chekmate boat that Rock Rash has is a 1971 MX-15 and all the Mx-15's had a Pad. here are 2 pictures. the blue one is My 1972 Checkmate MX-15 with a Mercury Twister 1 on the back and the Second Picture is belongs to My Dear Friend William. The V-Mate one had the Same Bottom as the MX-15 but with a Different Deck. Hope this Helps. Have a Great Week and Best Wishes Always Sammie Action Marine

I have a garage,but it would be tight working around it and heating it all winter is not an option up here in the Great White North.There's usually a couple of atv's in there over the winter.I sold my sleds last year,so I do have the time to do a restore.Even trying to warm everything up enough to work on it weekends would be a huge pain in the *ss.I did a body job on a car like that one winter.Spent more time trying waiting for everything to warm up then I did working on it.Maybe I should move south.Getting sick of paying heating bills anyway.:pissed:
AC bills tend to be worse than heat bills from my experience....and way more options to get heat.... i rather be hot than cold any day...just my 2 cents...ive always said if i move i want to move further south... i want to boat year round....shorts year round...etc etc...
AC bills tend to be worse than heat bills from my experience....and way more options to get heat.... i rather be hot than cold any day...just my 2 cents...ive always said if i move i want to move further south... i want to boat year round....shorts year round...etc etc...

I don't know man.We're looking at close to $3 G's for heating oil and I still have to pay for A/C in the summer.That's just the house.I like the idea of boating and biking year round,but I do like the different seasons.You just need different toys.I don't think I could stand it real hot all the time.I was in NC back in July and the heat was pretty brutal.:cheers:
I don't know man.We're looking at close to $3 G's for heating oil and I still have to pay for A/C in the summer.That's just the house.I like the idea of boating and biking year round,but I do like the different seasons.You just need different toys.I don't think I could stand it real hot all the time.I was in NC back in July and the heat was pretty brutal.:cheers:
3gs for heat? Yikes!Last winter we didnt even burn a full tank of oil.Rumor has its going to be even milder this winter!:cheers:
AC bills tend to be worse than heat bills from my experience....and way more options to get heat.... i rather be hot than cold any day...just my 2 cents...ive always said if i move i want to move further south... i want to boat year round....shorts year round...etc etc...

There are a lot of options for heat,but it's kind of a catch 22 situation.Most of the systems that are cheap to run are very expensive to install.So do you spend $10 to 20 grand to save a couple a few hundred a year.Natural Gas is probably the least expensive system to install gas is still reasonable,but the main line is approx. 1/4 mile away.Until they decide that there are enough houses on my road that would sign up they won't run the line past my door.

P.S. Oil was approx. $1.35 a gallon when I moved here and now it's roughly $5.
Anyway I'm hoping to get the boat moved up by the shop and flipped over this weekend.Want to get the damage ground out and ready for glass.Any suggestions about the best way to do this?Should I glass the corner of the transom and hull, build the strakes backup and then glass over the whole area?Go easy on me as this is my first glass work.I've read a ton on resto's and repairs(hours and hours).I've also watched a quite a few repair videos.I'm going with epoxy resin,but I'm still a little confused on the the best cloth/mat combo.Any suggestions greatly appreciated.
