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Need more room under hatch

Mr. Buss

Well-known member
Im makin' some changes in the senator this winter, and i need to come up with some more room under the hatch.

here what ive been pondering.....

I thought about taking it right off, but im worried about getting caught in the rain.

Also thought about makin some sort of spacers (lack of a better term) to raise the whole thing up but by the time i get enought room, its gonna look more hillbilly than the truck i pull it with...

also kicked the idea of making a whole new one to go on there, but i need it to be strong enough for my overweight self to walk on, to get to the swin platform, and still be somewhat light..

any ideas welcome!!!:thumb:

BTW, I WILL NOT cut a hole in the hatch, the sunpad is in perfect shape and i might want to put it back on in the future.:surf:

My old enchanter had one built with a 2x4 frame and covered in laminate and had an adjustable cable and turnbuckle to keep the shape. never had a problem with it.
This is where our lower profile boats suck. I think your is taller profile than mine but no where near a convincor. Right now I have my exhaust touching the bottom of my hatch pushing it up about 1/2". Also the air cover that I have hits the center raised scoop. I would love to go with a air gap manifold and true tube headers but with the height of them, they would be way taller than the hatch. I like Bobs jetmate scoop and it would give me the room for the taller intake but I am unsure how it would look on the enchanter. It would still not solve the exhaust problem either. I would also cut up the limited sundeck that mine has.

I could be off track with where your going with this but........;). I will be following this to see where it goes!
How much room do you need to gain under there?

I'm not a fan of scoops on most boats- the jetmates look good with them, but I'm not sure it would look good on the senator? It'd be nice to find another hatch, or build one with a hump for clearance.
Ok....Depending on how much room you need, I think this idea could work fairly well, not weigh much more, look good, and provide a few inches of clearance.

-Completely dissassemble your hatch (upholstery, plywood, foam, ect.).
-Cut the area out of the fiberglass liner that you need more room (just for intake/carb or whole engine/exhaust).
-Take the cut out piece and either glass it back in with a 2-3" step upwards, or you could arc the piece giving max clearance in the center.
-Then add extra foam on top to even the pad back out even with the top of the new bump-out. If you re-glassed the piece in as an arc, you will probably not need to do this as your existing foam will now just follow the contour just fine.
-Add the extra vinyl to the edges of the pad to allow for the increased height of the foam and re-assemble.

This would look like a sun pad used on most newer cats that is raised from the sides of the hull. If you just need the room in the center, the arc-shaped hatch I think would look nice and not be very noticible.
i looked through all my pics last night i cant find any good one of the hatch.:shakehead:

im not sure how much im gonna need yet, i would say at least 6 inches.
6 Inches?????:eyecrazy: Whoa Willis.....is that using your manhood ruler or what? We shall discuss this further tonight......

Ok so your hatch will realy need to look like something off of an Eliminator or HTM picklefork then......but it will be very obvious. On the plus side, you will have a headrest for the back seats now.
Ok so your hatch will realy need to look like something off of an Eliminator or HTM picklefork then......but it will be very obvious. On the plus side, you will have a headrest for the back seats now.

Or the bump in I/O eluders/enchanters but maybe a little higher, I would build another completely new hatch out of fiberglass so you can save the origional one.

If you do it, it would be inexpensive but time consuming or get a shop to do it.
Maybe Checkmate would do it since they are fixing old ones now:poke:
Or the bump in I/O eluders/enchanters but maybe a little higher, I would build another completely new hatch out of fiberglass so you can save the origional one.

If you do it, it would be inexpensive but time consuming or get a shop to do it.
Maybe Checkmate would do it since they are fixing old ones now:poke:

I hear ya, i really wanna make a whole new one out of fiberglass, but i have no experience with the stuff, i dont want it to look like poo. plus im a cheap sob.

i dont mind diving into something new to get my extra 6-8 inches
Is this what we are dealing with :sssh:
