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New "Family" Toy


Well-known member
I am call this a new "family" toy because my dad said if we need to use it we could just like the travel trailer. He actually got this, after listening to me for once, to pull the travel trailer.

so here is what it is. he got a 2012 Ram 3500 Crew Cab dually 4X4 slt with the Cummins diesel. it is pretty loaded with the uconnect blue tooth radio with alpine package. I will get more pictures of it later but I did get to drive it all day as we went looking for steps for the truck as it needs it. it is tall.

I may need to. But since we have moved back here my wife has said no boat until she get a real house again. :rof: but at least when I get a house I do not have to worry any more about if I have enough truck to pull a boat with. I am just glad my Dad finally found the one he wanted as he has been driving me nuts helping him look. for a while I would find one like he wanted and then he was unsure he wanted one.