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New marine mat interior

Looks great. Was it originally carpet on the floor? If so did you just take it up and put the mats in? They look like they are snap in. I'm curious about the process, I'm not a fan of carpet.
Looks Great!

Nice modification! I did Sea Deck in my Ranger and it was fabulous stuff. Not cheap, but well worth the investment and enjoyment. I have thoughts about doing it to my Starliner at some point, but that's a ways down the road.

Nice picture too.
Looks great. Was it originally carpet on the floor? If so did you just take it up and put the mats in? They look like they are snap in. I'm curious about the process, I'm not a fan of carpet.

All of the Original Carpet was pulled out years ago. The floor was coated with White Interlux epoxy with Anti- Skid Additive. But the floor was always slippery when wet and I got tired of running with towls on the floor. So I templated the floor with Marine mat Templates in the fall. all custom cut, I think it was like $1300 and I had all of them in less than 4 weeks. You can do the Stick down mats, or snap in mats. I did a little bit of both. I like the idea of being able to take them out and clean/ dry them as needed.