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Nominations for March's boat of da month

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10-4, great shot!!!
before Dwaynes head gets to lookin like a Maceys day baloon, we should see what disturbeds looks like too!! no offense Dwayne, you got my vote!! i just wanna see the fire and skulls!!!

good luck!
Here's what an XR6 with the small gear case, 6" of setback, and a 26" Laser II prop can do for a Pulse 171:


It's a short month, so we better get to the minivote.

Give me your top two pics.

1) Lake & Trail's ZT
2) Don's Convincer
3) Matt's Predictor
4) Dwayne's Convincor
5) JW's Pulse Action shot

Please just pic two.
My picture is too washed out to make it, but I sure like to look at it once in a while!
Well, I'm going to vote for 3 & 5. I usually don't vote, but what the heck, I'd like to see my good buddy JW's Pulse get in. And I'd like Matt's boat to get a crack at the official poll. So there ya go. Don, you got my vote next month for sure.
I like the vintage boats myself.

So, so far, I tally...

1) 1 Vote
2) 3 Votes
3) 3 Votes
4) 3 Votes
5) 3 Votes.

Keep them coming....
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