Thanks again bill, I am very lucky. But my boat will look better floating next to yours along with a full cooler of course! I hear what you're saying, I think the marige 23 will be the best for my boat for top end but would still like to try the 25. I have a 22 bravo 1 that I tryed, not the best on top end (64mph) but handaled great and gave one hell of a whole shot! I'll probally buy the bravo from my friend scince he cant spin it with his Baja 272. He up-graded his 454 mag with a 502 and put on a pro charger, Now the 22 brovo does not work and he will give it to me for $250 (like new, Not a bad price. Where did you find the best prices for merc props? I went to and they had mirages for $460. Know of others?