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Pulsare 2100 tall windshield

Does anyone have any pictures of a Pulsare 2100 with the tall windshield? Or if I post a pic of mine, can you tell me if it is tall or short? I always thought it was short, but then again I never saw the tall one.

Getting ready to order a new cover from the factory, so now I need to know either way....

Happy Thanksgiving All!
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Post up a pic of yours. Pretty sure there was only one windshield option on the pulsares, but I could be wrong.


Heres some pics. The early Pulsares had a tall option or standard option. Later when they switched to Taylor Made Windshields, they only had one option
THe first time I viewed his pics, they were there...now not. Weird.

Photobucket screwed the internet good.
Windshield height

When you call checkmate ,give them the hull# it should tell you everything about the boat . i ordered a cover from checkmate for my 25’ CONVINCOR and the hull # showed that i had the tall windshield option.
There were two heights available. Mine had the low windshield, and I wished for the higher windshield every time I spent a LOT of time on the water at speed. The low windshield about caused my right ear to go deaf from wind noise blasting into it from around the low frame.

I don't have pix of my 2100 readily available, but I think maybe the low was around 10" high and the high was around 15" high in the center? My memory might be off...