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Saginaw River Memorial weekend '09


Well-known member
It looks liek the weather will be nice all weekend. 70's and sunny. I will be making the trip up to Saginaw. I know Myself, TheNerd, MrBuss will be out for sure. Anybody in the area should get on the water.

I am sure we will hang at the middle grounds and do some prop testing and have a couple cocktails. :cheers:

i cant wait!!!

i gotta finish putting the boat back together here in the next few nights..i hope to give it a quick test run before the weekend..:surf:
50/50 chance for me........I have not got it wet yet and I got this new hydromotive prop to try out. What day(s)?
Well.........I have to wait and see, I was supposed to help my Mother inlaw with her graden this weekend. If I get that done I will be out.
you won't find me on the "sag-nasty"!!! i will be on some CLEAR water:poke:
don't be jealous!!!!!:poke:

Jealous I am not, the Sag-Nasty River as you call it, is about 4 miles from my house. There are several boat launches, party stores, and bars along the way. I have no intentions of swimming or even getting wet this weekend as the water is too cold. Keep in mind, it will be atleast 10 degrees warmer here in Sag-Nasty than in Northern Michigan this weekend.

I do have plans to make it up that way once the water warms up a bit, I will let ya know when. Have fun this weekend Russ.
As I'm flying solo this weekend, I planned on making it up there apx.11 am Sunday.But the boat is down right now.The transom needed a tune up to make the boat seaworthy again.Maybe another time. Jeff:mad:
As I'm flying solo this weekend, I planned on making it up there apx.11 am Sunday.But the boat is down right now.The transom needed a tune up to make the boat seaworthy again.Maybe another time. Jeff:mad:

thats a bummer, you will have to try and make it up here some time this year!! :cheers:
Im going to Silver Lake sand dunes to beat the living piss out of my truck one more time before GMAC gets her back next month......I love rentals. Hence the "Team Ride 'em Like a Rental" sticker on tthe windshield. give me two weeks and I will be on the Sagnasty though. Have a great trip gentlemen.....and I use that term loosely.
Well. three boats out today, then a cook out at my place. Pics will come soon.