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Sam I am's 89 Starliner Restore (Pictorial Thread)

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Wow Sam...That one is in some rough shape.

Hopefully the rest of the boat isn't that bad.

Does your wallet feel any lighter, cuz this may get pricey?!?

Good luck and kudos for having the balls to attack a project like this.

Wow Sam...That one is in some rough shape.

Hopefully the rest of the boat isn't that bad.

Does your wallet feel any lighter, cuz this may get pricey?!?

Good luck and kudos for having the balls to attack a project like this.


Thanks hotdaddy! That's was a lot nicer and way more complimentary than what my wife said!
Talk to Mike at Checkmate, when you give him the serial number he will pull the build sheet for the boat and can tell you all of the options ordered and the original dealer. For my 88 Starliner the complete interior, 11 pieces matching the original design was 2,100 bucks. They use all new fabrics but will match the color stripping and pleating. Mine appears only to need a major cleaing and possibly wet sanding and a buff out.

I called one of the local marinas who wheels and deals on a lot of used motors and runs a pretty good service department and asked him if he'd be interested in the motor. He said he would but wouldn't commit to a price until he saw it. So, I towed it over there this morning and met with him. I told him he could have the motor, the gauges, the controls and the steering. He asked how much? I said $500 bucks. He said done. I'll be picking it up tomorrow sans everything I mentioned and have another $500 bucks for the project budget. I know I gave hima good deal, but at least I dont have the friggin' headache of tryin' to get it running or having to try and sell it locally or any of that stuff...all in all, I'm pleased with the progress I've made in a few short days.
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