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Seelye Wright Toy Store

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If I was looking to buy a new mate you would be the first I talked too. I was just doing some research and they seem to be gone. I know the Punisher didn't turn out to well for them and whats his name left to sell trailers so I was just wondering.
Still just a big empty lot. The used boats that were left have been showing up on sites advertised by Seeley Ford, which is the regular car dealership. Surprised we haven't heard from Jeff 'onthehammer' since the toy store closed down.
Kinda funny how one member on here was telling that it was his money being used to build the punisher and it was a multi boat deal and how he had put his whole life on hold for this project. Next thing ya know, he doesn't work for Seelye Wright anymore and they are the ones that had the boat for sale, not him. How many people think that the punisher project cost him his job and later, caused the doors to close for Seelye Wright? I think I remember someone saying that the molds were available to build "A" boat if someone had the money. Well, 1 was built, but not as it was told on here and now we see the results of spending someone else's money.
I always thought that was one of the problems with trying to sell it. Seemed to be to many poeple and to many "things" involved with it. I think Bill got a hell of a deal on an awesome boat but I still wonder about warrenty? If there is any.
Merc will warranty the motors/drives. Hull is not going to have a problem anyway and if it does, he saved enough to look after it himself. Really he paid used boat price for it. He's likely to have a number of great years in it, before he has any major work to do. Everyone else who paid $250K for a equivalent(staggered 700nxt) used 43 footer probably got a 2005 - 2009 with 200+ hours on it.
Kinda funny how one member on here was telling that it was his money being used to build the punisher and it was a multi boat deal and how he had put his whole life on hold for this project. Next thing ya know, he doesn't work for Seelye Wright anymore and they are the ones that had the boat for sale, not him. How many people think that the punisher project cost him his job and later, caused the doors to close for Seelye Wright? I think I remember someone saying that the molds were available to build "A" boat if someone had the money. Well, 1 was built, but not as it was told on here and now we see the results of spending someone else's money.

Long story short, it was supposed to have been a venture to promote the entire Checkmate line. It was built with money managed by myself through Seelye Wright. If anyone here knows what frustration and time is involved with a project like this they would understand the whole putting your life on hold to endure a project of this magnitude.

As far as costing me my job, the answer is NO. Bill and I parted ways business wise in February of 2013 with myself continuing to manage the inventory in my spare time to help liquidate the remaining boats/bikes/sleds etc.. The dealership was going to evaporate anyway with the buy out of Bill from the Seelye Wright organization, which is now Seelye Automotive group.

Bill and Monica contacted me to make a purchase of the Punisher and I was more than happy to help them in the transaction. I do not believe the boat could have went to a better home and owners!!! The reason for the sale was BW had fallen in love with the Sea Ray we had got for him and had decided to upgrade from the 42 Sundancer to a 47 Sundancer. With him not using the boat and having hard feelings toward Checkmate over some unfinished transaction$ it was time.

With myself knowing the larger picture of things to come I took a career with Phoenix Trailers as the midwest sales rep. I had always purchased my trailers from them and this is a great company.

As far as the boat causing the doors to close or costing me my job, not true, please keep oyour opinions to yourself and if you have a question feel free to PM me anytime. BW and I had a great relationship and this may have turned into something more at a future time, who knows we had spoke of it several times since we closed the Toy Store.

Thank you

Long story short, it was supposed to have been a venture to promote the entire Checkmate line. It was built with money managed by myself through Seelye Wright. If anyone here knows what frustration and time is involved with a project like this they would understand the whole putting your life on hold to endure a project of this magnitude.

As far as costing me my job, the answer is NO. Bill and I parted ways business wise in February of 2013 with myself continuing to manage the inventory in my spare time to help liquidate the remaining boats/bikes/sleds etc.. The dealership was going to evaporate anyway with the buy out of Bill from the Seelye Wright organization, which is now Seelye Automotive group.

Bill and Monica contacted me to make a purchase of the Punisher and I was more than happy to help them in the transaction. I do not believe the boat could have went to a better home and owners!!! The reason for the sale was BW had fallen in love with the Sea Ray we had got for him and had decided to upgrade from the 42 Sundancer to a 47 Sundancer. With him not using the boat and having hard feelings toward Checkmate over some unfinished transaction$ it was time.

With myself knowing the larger picture of things to come I took a career with Phoenix Trailers as the midwest sales rep. I had always purchased my trailers from them and this is a great company.

As far as the boat causing the doors to close or costing me my job, not true, please keep oyour opinions to yourself and if you have a question feel free to PM me anytime. BW and I had a great relationship and this may have turned into something more at a future time, who knows we had spoke of it several times since we closed the Toy Store.

Thank you


Originally Posted by boatman4021 View Post
Are you calling me a lier? Or are you calling Kip a lier? Do you have any money in it? Didn't think so.

This is an open forum where people are voicing opinions. You have yours, and I have mine. Problem is, I am only repeating what I was told from Checkmate. The last time I looked, this is a site about Checkmates.

I guess I would be, I do have the whole story and who's money do you think is funding it? Mine, Not yours! I have put my entire life on hold for this project. I understand when you have nothing invested it is easy to voice your opinion, just make sure you do so on facts. I am well aware that this is a site about Checkmates as I live and breath it everyday as the largest dealer they have. So with that being said you will have the whole story soon.

As you said, "the money is mine" and "YOU" are the "biggest dealer they have"!
Now, who's story about that boat came closer to being the truth? Put on your big girl panties, eat some crow and let it go, it's over dude!
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