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Supporting Members, Subscription Feature

My membership renewal

Just renewed my membership again Chris for another year . I know every little bit helps and if it helps keep this Great forum Us Checkmate boat lovers Love so much up and running im all for it ... I know Ive said this before But Ill say it again . Chris you have done a fanstic job with this site . I really enjoy it . Thank you so much for all your hard work and dedication !!!
Thanks Will, I really appreciate your VERY kind comments and continuing support of the community.

I certainly couldn't keep things going without the support and help from all you guys over these very many years.

We're about to come up on our ninth year anniversary very shortly which is very hard to believe.

Thanks once again. :)

hi captainmorgan you sound like me, work all the time . im a new member but ive had my 83enchanter about 4 years and after stumbling onto this site and seeing all the checkmates new or old it dont matter, to me its cool that so many people are willing to share what know , or what they have done to there boats . when i saw the picture of ur boat i thought theres a boat like mine and it looks good. i bought mine because it looked good too ,in a field on the trailer . but now after seeing all the people that are into these boats ive decided to keep it and put some tlc into it .my mechanic has found me another 2.4 to rebuild and put my other heads on it after i break it in ,again, its late for me and im relaxing with some bourban before i hit the sack . i dont how long it will be before i can get back to the forum . im a one finger typist , and im still needing to figure out how to put pictures on here. im already sanding an buffing and pulling out old gauges i just need more time.anyway thanks for the pics ive got the bug now ,and thanks chris for the info on posting pics ,i can operate heavy equipment but computers baffle me. hope to be back soon. goodnight
hi captainmorgan you sound like me, work all the time . im a new member but ive had my 83enchanter about 4 years and after stumbling onto this site and seeing all the checkmates new or old it dont matter, to me its cool that so many people are willing to share what know , or what they have done to there boats . when i saw the picture of ur boat i thought theres a boat like mine and it looks good. i bought mine because it looked good too ,in a field on the trailer . but now after seeing all the people that are into these boats ive decided to keep it and put some tlc into it .my mechanic has found me another 2.4 to rebuild and put my other heads on it after i break it in ,again, its late for me and im relaxing with some bourban before i hit the sack . i dont how long it will be before i can get back to the forum . im a one finger typist , and im still needing to figure out how to put pictures on here. im already sanding an buffing and pulling out old gauges i just need more time.anyway thanks for the pics ive got the bug now ,and thanks chris for the info on posting pics ,i can operate heavy equipment but computers baffle me. hope to be back soon. goodnight
Hi hangin',

Did you try looking at the picture posting instruction thread that is located in the Board Feedback & Technical Help forum?

Here's a link....


hi chris , i did find your instructions on posting pictures im working on it now, i have one loaded but its under private message,dont know how i did it but if you dont mind ill send it to you and just keep at it,thanks again
Hi hangin',

Yes, I got your pic via PM.

To post it in a message, really all you have to do is host your pic on one of the free hosting sites and then you just wrap the url of the pic in the image tags.

Once you get the hang of it, it's pretty easy. :)

Checkmates oldest (first) dealership??

Looking through the many old records remaining, I believe that O'Neills Boatyard, in East Rockaway, NY was the dealer to represent Checkmate Boats. Does anyone recall buying from them. I understand that they were the largest dealer for about 20 years. Comments please.
Early Ceckmates sold on Long Island

I would be interested in chatting with Checkmate owners, past and present, who purchased Checkmates from O'Neill's Boatyard in East Rockaway. O'Neills was the first and only dealer for the beginning years and became a dealer after seeing how fast Checkmates were in the Hudson River marathon. Anyone out there????
I would be interested in chatting with Checkmate owners, past and present, who purchased Checkmates from O'Neill's Boatyard in East Rockaway. O'Neills was the first and only dealer for the beginning years and became a dealer after seeing how fast Checkmates were in the Hudson River marathon. Anyone out there????

Street rodder please start another thread in the open boating forum. You'll get more hits as this is a Supporting Members, Subscription thread.:thumb:
Early Ceckmates sold on Long Island

I would be interested in chatting with Checkmate owners, past and present, who purchased Checkmates from O'Neill's Boatyard in East Rockaway. O'Neills was the first and only dealer for the beginning years and became a dealer after seeing how fast Checkmates were in the Hudson River marathon. Anyone out there????
I know this is a super old thread but .Yes my father purchased his 82’ Convincor from Marty