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Whats this salmon ski worth?


Well-known member
Conelly team 2 wing tail kevlar
Ski is like brand new minus a few stickers.


I know we have a few skiers her that might know something about this and can help out.
I could use one and if your looking to sell I would pay $80.

I'm callin' the horse**** card. Your boats too fast to ski off of.
BTW -Can't believe you picked up lunch for everyone today before we even had a chance to pick up our parts.
Thank you. that was so generous and we owe you.
Was it the influence of the Pope?
I'm callin' the horse**** card. Your boats too fast to ski off of.
BTW -Can't believe you picked up lunch for everyone today before we even had a chance to pick up our parts.
Thank you. that was so generous and we owe you.
Was it the influence of the Pope?
No prob with lunch. Your company combined with the Pope's love in the air warranted the donations to a good Checkmate gathering cause.:D
I'm callin' the horse**** card. Your boats too fast to ski off of.
BTW -Can't believe you picked up lunch for everyone today before we even had a chance to pick up our parts.
Thank you. that was so generous and we owe you.
Was it the influence of the Pope?

That Chuck feller is a class act!! He took good care of me on Cumberland even! :cheers: