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Your favorite Boating Vacation spots in KY or TN


Thanks for all of the feedback. We're still tossing around a few other ideas, Deep Creek or even a week at the cabins up north that we were (are?) very close to buying before everything went into the toilet.

I'm going to start a new thread on deep creek info.
I'm not sure exactly where to post this since it doesn't look like there's a KY or TN chapter, so Chris please feel free to move this to the correct forum.

We are looking for a place to bring the boat for a week long vacation in the summer. We are thinking of heading south this time - somewhere within about maybe 8 hrs of Detroit. I've heard that cumberland is very low these days due to some dam construction or something. I've kayaked a large portion of Land Between the Lakes on the KY-TN border - that seemed nice. Very large where we were, but nice. Any opinions on that area?

First, we want to identify the lakes/rivers that would be good, then we'll look for a rental house there - 4BR would be idea, as would a sandy area for the kids to play in.

Any ideas - any favorite spots?? Your help is appreciated!

Dale Hollow Lake..... Hands down :) , I have been going there since I was 12 , and my dad has a house boat there. I try to go there as much as possible..
We love Dale Hollow--Holly Creek Resort has always taken good care of us and they have 80 foot houseboats and cottages for rent.