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Recent content by csmyj

  1. csmyj

    300 pm ecu's

    I have a extra set of ign and fuel ecu's off of a 300 promax for sale. $500 for both
  2. csmyj

    Merc controls

    I have the newer style merc side mount controls with ignition and cables. Cables are 12' long and I have the adapter harness to hook the new to an older merc. Comes with 2 keys. $275 for it all obo i can text or email pics.
  3. csmyj

    87 enforcer ob project

    http://lexington.craigslist.org/boa/5065656543.html I can't finish it with a bad back and baby on the way. So hopefully someone else would like to finish it up. My number is on the ad so feel free to call, text, email or message on here.
  4. csmyj

    26p trophy plus

    Hey guys sorry for the late response, but the prop has be sold. Apparently all my notices went to spam mail.
  5. csmyj

    Even More CL Finds!

    Here's what looks to be a nice 88 enforcer with a bbc only one pic but looks like it's been taken care of. http://lexington.craigslist.org/boa/4559821500.html
  6. csmyj


    28. Csmyj , chase and 1-3 guest. Depends on if I bring the tritoon or sonic
  7. csmyj


    Clearing up That's good to hear I talked to 2tonchevy Sunday and he said he tried to go out last weekend and it was still pretty nasty. The only bad thing is that there's still those below water line floaters still out there that don't get pushed off to the side as easy. I caught one...
  8. csmyj

    More parts!!

    Gauges Got ya
  9. csmyj

    More parts!!

    Gauges Got ya
  10. csmyj


    Yea they better get on it soon. If they don't I don't see how they will have poker run.
  11. csmyj


    Glad there ok. It was bad out there, leaving Conley heading to Harmon creek where the beach is it was solid trees all the way across the lake. We couldn't go any further then that then when we heading in the entrance into Conley was blocked off by trees and trash.
  12. csmyj


    It was right outside of Conley bottom and it was a 25' white with red and another color. Hadn't really seen that scheme before? There were 2 guys and 2 girls in the boat, younger maybe mid 20's.
  13. csmyj


    I love checkmates and always will, still got 2. But with my recent back problems I can't finished what I started which sucks. But I can always admire your guys boats, saw max's (2tonchevy) 2800 a couple weekends ago and it's nice! He just finished the cockpit and got new interior, then I gave...
  14. csmyj


    Will you guys allow a sonic to join ya this year?
  15. csmyj

    3.0 & 300x performance parts

    Steering sold except hoses