first avator name, second real first name, model boat, total persons in your name.
1. SENATOR HOLLAND, helmich, no boat, 1 person.
2. jjg, Jeff & Dianne, 2014 Pulsare 2400, 2 people & plenty of cold beer.
3. fastcheckmate, Pat & Liz, 259 Convincor, 2 people
4. RNGRDVE, Dave & Karen. 2 boatless people.
5. Check253, Bill & Monica Punisher, 2 people
6. PROBLEM CHILD, Jeff, 300 Convincor, 4 people
7. HORSEPLAY1, Doug and Mindy checkmate 253. 2 people.
8. dream4ta, Corey and Jessi, Enforcer, 2 people.
9. Gimme Fuel, Ron & Stephanie, CM 253, 2 People.
10. Slingblade,Jeff,Debbie,Enforcer and Exciter,4 people
11. 2tonchevy, Max, 2800sx, 3-4 people
12. Rcenter1, Rob & Nicole, 242 convincor, 2 or 4 people
13!! ndaniels, Nick & Becky , 24 SUPERBOAT, 2 peoples
14. Splbuilder, Jeff, MX-16, 2 people
15. check185, Will, 1850br, 2 people
16 Slingblade2,Jeffery(son),Britany Skeekcraft Jet boat 2 people
17.paulsboats,Paul and a ho,v-mate,2 people
18. Yellowfiero88, Brian & Jessica, 300 and if together the enchanter....
19. TJindy280, Troy & Jamisyn, Stiletto, 2 people
20. Kalugs22, Aaron & Rona, Pulsare 2100BR, 2 People
21. Ckaluger, Chuck & Barb, Pulsare 2100BR, 2 People
22. Cwalk2520, Cameron&Eric&patty,1999 234Persuader 3 people
23. Cwalk2520, Mindy&Terry&Abby&Nate, 07 21BR Larson, 4people
24. Merc 225, Debbie & Larry, 79 Entertainer or new 24 BRX if factory gets it finished
25. Lynchmob, Brian & Emily, 1991 pulse 210BR, 2 people
26 Jaja, Mark 2100 br with 2 people
This year is shaping up to be bigger than last year. It's geting closer and I'm geting excited.