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Originally Posted by yellowfiero88 View Post
Yes, any and all boats are welcome. A few of us have moved into different brands for various reasons. It's all about getting together and having a great time on the water.

first avator name, second real first name, model boat, total persons in your name.
1. SENATOR HOLLAND, helmich, no boat, 1 person.
2. jjg, Jeff & Dianne, 2014 Pulsare 2400, 2 people & plenty of cold beer.
3. fastcheckmate, Pat & Liz, 259 Convincor, 2 people
4. RNGRDVE, Dave & Karen. 2 boatless people.
5. Check253, Bill & Monica Punisher, 2 people
6. PROBLEM CHILD, Jeff, 300 Convincor, 4 people
7. HORSEPLAY1, Doug and Mindy checkmate 253. 2 people.
8. dream4ta, Corey and Jessi, Enforcer, 2 people.
9. Gimme Fuel, Ron & Stephanie, CM 253, 2 People.
10. Slingblade,Jeff,Debbie,Enforcer and Exciter,4 people
11. 2tonchevy, Max, 2800sx, 3-4 people
12. Rcenter1, Rob & Nicole, 242 convincor, 2 or 4 people
13!! ndaniels, Nick & Becky , 24 SUPERBOAT, 2 peoples
14. Splbuilder, Jeff, MX-16, 2 people
15. check185, Will, 1850br, 2 people
16 Slingblade2,Jeffery(son),Britany Skeekcraft Jet boat 2 people
17.paulsboats,Paul and a ho,v-mate,2 people
18. Yellowfiero88, Brian & Jessica, 300 and if together the enchanter....
19. TJindy280, Troy & Jamisyn, Stiletto, 2 people
20. Kalugs22, Aaron & Rona, Pulsare 2100BR, 2 People
21. Ckaluger, Chuck & Barb, Pulsare 2100BR, 2 People
22. Cwalk2520, Cameron&Eric&patty,1999 234Persuader 3 people
23. Cwalk2520, Mindy&Terry&Abby&Nate, 07 21BR Larson, 4people

Lynchmob glad to hear you will be able to make it. Please enter your name on this list so we have a good count on who is attending. Thanks and we all look forward to seeing you !!!
Coming over from our Dale Hollow vacation

Lynchmob glad to hear you will be able to make it. Please enter your name on this list so we have a good count on who is attending. Thanks and we all look forward to seeing you !!!

Originally Posted by yellowfiero88 View Post
Yes, any and all boats are welcome. A few of us have moved into different brands for various reasons. It's all about getting together and having a great time on the water.

first avator name, second real first name, model boat, total persons in your name.
1. SENATOR HOLLAND, helmich, no boat, 1 person.
2. jjg, Jeff & Dianne, 2014 Pulsare 2400, 2 people & plenty of cold beer.
3. fastcheckmate, Pat & Liz, 259 Convincor, 2 people
4. RNGRDVE, Dave & Karen. 2 boatless people.
5. Check253, Bill & Monica Punisher, 2 people
6. PROBLEM CHILD, Jeff, 300 Convincor, 4 people
7. HORSEPLAY1, Doug and Mindy checkmate 253. 2 people.
8. dream4ta, Corey and Jessi, Enforcer, 2 people.
9. Gimme Fuel, Ron & Stephanie, CM 253, 2 People.
10. Slingblade,Jeff,Debbie,Enforcer and Exciter,4 people
11. 2tonchevy, Max, 2800sx, 3-4 people
12. Rcenter1, Rob & Nicole, 242 convincor, 2 or 4 people
13!! ndaniels, Nick & Becky , 24 SUPERBOAT, 2 peoples
14. Splbuilder, Jeff, MX-16, 2 people
15. check185, Will, 1850br, 2 people
16 Slingblade2,Jeffery(son),Britany Skeekcraft Jet boat 2 people
17.paulsboats,Paul and a ho,v-mate,2 people
18. Yellowfiero88, Brian & Jessica, 300 and if together the enchanter....
19. TJindy280, Troy & Jamisyn, Stiletto, 2 people
20. Kalugs22, Aaron & Rona, Pulsare 2100BR, 2 People
21. Ckaluger, Chuck & Barb, Pulsare 2100BR, 2 People
22. Cwalk2520, Cameron&Eric&patty,1999 234Persuader 3 people
23. Cwalk2520, Mindy&Terry&Abby&Nate, 07 21BR Larson, 4people
24. Merc 225, Debbie & Larry, 79 Entertainer or new 24 BRX if factory gets it finished
Room is reserved

Originally Posted by kalugs22
Originally Posted by yellowfiero88 View Post
Yes, any and all boats are welcome. A few of us have moved into different brands for various reasons. It's all about getting together and having a great time on the water.

first avator name, second real first name, model boat, total persons in your name.
1. SENATOR HOLLAND, helmich, no boat, 1 person.
2. jjg, Jeff & Dianne, 2014 Pulsare 2400, 2 people & plenty of cold beer.
3. fastcheckmate, Pat & Liz, 259 Convincor, 2 people
4. RNGRDVE, Dave & Karen. 2 boatless people.
5. Check253, Bill & Monica Punisher, 2 people
6. PROBLEM CHILD, Jeff, 300 Convincor, 4 people
7. HORSEPLAY1, Doug and Mindy checkmate 253. 2 people.
8. dream4ta, Corey and Jessi, Enforcer, 2 people.
9. Gimme Fuel, Ron & Stephanie, CM 253, 2 People.
10. Slingblade,Jeff,Debbie,Enforcer and Exciter,4 people
11. 2tonchevy, Max, 2800sx, 3-4 people
12. Rcenter1, Rob & Nicole, 242 convincor, 2 or 4 people
13!! ndaniels, Nick & Becky , 24 SUPERBOAT, 2 peoples
14. Splbuilder, Jeff, MX-16, 2 people
15. check185, Will, 1850br, 2 people
16 Slingblade2,Jeffery(son),Britany Skeekcraft Jet boat 2 people
17.paulsboats,Paul and a ho,v-mate,2 people
18. Yellowfiero88, Brian & Jessica, 300 and if together the enchanter....
19. TJindy280, Troy & Jamisyn, Stiletto, 2 people
20. Kalugs22, Aaron & Rona, Pulsare 2100BR, 2 People
21. Ckaluger, Chuck & Barb, Pulsare 2100BR, 2 People
22. Cwalk2520, Cameron&Eric&patty,1999 234Persuader 3 people
23. Cwalk2520, Mindy&Terry&Abby&Nate, 07 21BR Larson, 4people

I think we make
#25. Lynchmob, Brian & Emily, 1991 pulse 210BR, 2 people
first avator name, second real first name, model boat, total persons in your name.
1. SENATOR HOLLAND, helmich, no boat, 1 person.
2. jjg, Jeff & Dianne, 2014 Pulsare 2400, 2 people & plenty of cold beer.
3. fastcheckmate, Pat & Liz, 259 Convincor, 2 people
4. RNGRDVE, Dave & Karen. 2 boatless people.
5. Check253, Bill & Monica Punisher, 2 people
6. PROBLEM CHILD, Jeff, 300 Convincor, 4 people
7. HORSEPLAY1, Doug and Mindy checkmate 253. 2 people.
8. dream4ta, Corey and Jessi, Enforcer, 2 people.
9. Gimme Fuel, Ron & Stephanie, CM 253, 2 People.
10. Slingblade,Jeff,Debbie,Enforcer and Exciter,4 people
11. 2tonchevy, Max, 2800sx, 3-4 people
12. Rcenter1, Rob & Nicole, 242 convincor, 2 or 4 people
13!! ndaniels, Nick & Becky , 24 SUPERBOAT, 2 peoples
14. Splbuilder, Jeff, MX-16, 2 people
15. check185, Will, 1850br, 2 people
16 Slingblade2,Jeffery(son),Britany Skeekcraft Jet boat 2 people
17.paulsboats,Paul and a ho,v-mate,2 people
18. Yellowfiero88, Brian & Jessica, 300 and if together the enchanter....
19. TJindy280, Troy & Jamisyn, Stiletto, 2 people
20. Kalugs22, Aaron & Rona, Pulsare 2100BR, 2 People
21. Ckaluger, Chuck & Barb, Pulsare 2100BR, 2 People
22. Cwalk2520, Cameron&Eric&patty,1999 234Persuader 3 people
23. Cwalk2520, Mindy&Terry&Abby&Nate, 07 21BR Larson, 4people
24. Merc 225, Debbie & Larry, 79 Entertainer or new 24 BRX if factory gets it finished
25. Lynchmob, Brian & Emily, 1991 pulse 210BR, 2 people
first avator name, second real first name, model boat, total persons in your name.
1. SENATOR HOLLAND, helmich, no boat, 1 person.
2. jjg, Jeff & Dianne, 2014 Pulsare 2400, 2 people & plenty of cold beer.
3. fastcheckmate, Pat & Liz, 259 Convincor, 2 people
4. RNGRDVE, Dave & Karen. 2 boatless people.
5. Check253, Bill & Monica Punisher, 2 people
6. PROBLEM CHILD, Jeff, 300 Convincor, 4 people
7. HORSEPLAY1, Doug and Mindy checkmate 253. 2 people.
8. dream4ta, Corey and Jessi, Enforcer, 2 people.
9. Gimme Fuel, Ron & Stephanie, CM 253, 2 People.
10. Slingblade,Jeff,Debbie,Enforcer and Exciter,4 people
11. 2tonchevy, Max, 2800sx, 3-4 people
12. Rcenter1, Rob & Nicole, 242 convincor, 2 or 4 people
13!! ndaniels, Nick & Becky , 24 SUPERBOAT, 2 peoples
14. Splbuilder, Jeff, MX-16, 2 people
15. check185, Will, 1850br, 2 people
16 Slingblade2,Jeffery(son),Britany Skeekcraft Jet boat 2 people
17.paulsboats,Paul and a ho,v-mate,2 people
18. Yellowfiero88, Brian & Jessica, 300 and if together the enchanter....
19. TJindy280, Troy & Jamisyn, Stiletto, 2 people
20. Kalugs22, Aaron & Rona, Pulsare 2100BR, 2 People
21. Ckaluger, Chuck & Barb, Pulsare 2100BR, 2 People
22. Cwalk2520, Cameron&Eric&patty,1999 234Persuader 3 people
23. Cwalk2520, Mindy&Terry&Abby&Nate, 07 21BR Larson, 4people
24. Merc 225, Debbie & Larry, 79 Entertainer or new 24 BRX if factory gets it finished
25. Lynchmob, Brian & Emily, 1991 pulse 210BR, 2 people
26 Jaja, Mark 2100 br with 2 people

This year is shaping up to be bigger than last year. It's geting closer and I'm geting excited. :cheers:
first avator name, second real first name, model boat, total persons in your name.
1. SENATOR HOLLAND, helmich, no boat, 1 person.
2. jjg, Jeff & Dianne, 2014 Pulsare 2400, 2 people & plenty of cold beer.
3. fastcheckmate, Pat & Liz, 259 Convincor, 2 people
4. RNGRDVE, Dave & Karen. 2 boatless people.
5. Check253, Bill & Monica Punisher, 2 people
6. PROBLEM CHILD, Jeff, 300 Convincor, 4 people
7. HORSEPLAY1, Doug and Mindy checkmate 253. 2 people.
8. dream4ta, Corey and Jessi, Enforcer, 2 people.
9. Gimme Fuel, Ron & Stephanie, CM 253, 2 People.
10. Slingblade,Jeff,Debbie,Enforcer and Exciter,4 people
11. 2tonchevy, Max, 2800sx, 3-4 people
12. Rcenter1, Rob & Nicole, 242 convincor, 2 or 4 people
13!! ndaniels, Nick & Becky , 24 SUPERBOAT, 2 peoples
14. Splbuilder, Jeff, MX-16, 2 people
15. check185, Will, 1850br, 2 people
16 Slingblade2,Jeffery(son),Britany Skeekcraft Jet boat 2 people
17.paulsboats,Paul and a ho,v-mate,2 people
18. Yellowfiero88, Brian & Jessica, 300 and if together the enchanter....
19. TJindy280, Troy & Jamisyn, Stiletto, 2 people
20. Kalugs22, Aaron & Rona, Pulsare 2100BR, 2 People
21. Ckaluger, Chuck & Barb, Pulsare 2100BR, 2 People
22. Cwalk2520, Cameron&Eric&patty,1999 234Persuader 3 people
23. Cwalk2520, Mindy&Terry&Abby&Nate, 07 21BR Larson, 4people
24. Merc 225, Debbie & Larry, 79 Entertainer or new 24 BRX if factory gets it finished
25. Lynchmob, Brian & Emily, 1991 pulse 210BR, 2 people
26 Jaja, Mark 2100 br with 2 people

This year is shaping up to be bigger than last year. It's geting closer and I'm geting excited. :cheers:
27 Slingblade , Levi and the girl of the week ,200sx Skeeter 2 people
first avator name, second real first name, model boat, total persons in your name.
1. SENATOR HOLLAND, helmich, no boat, 1 person.
2. jjg, Jeff & Dianne, 2014 Pulsare 2400, 2 people & plenty of cold beer.
3. fastcheckmate, Pat & Liz, 259 Convincor, 2 people
4. RNGRDVE, Dave & Karen. 2 boatless people.
5. Check253, Bill & Monica Punisher, 2 people
6. PROBLEM CHILD, Jeff, 300 Convincor, 4 people
7. HORSEPLAY1, Doug and Mindy checkmate 253. 2 people.
8. dream4ta, Corey and Jessi, Enforcer, 2 people.
9. Gimme Fuel, Ron & Stephanie, CM 253, 2 People.
10. Slingblade,Jeff,Debbie,Enforcer and Exciter,4 people
11. 2tonchevy, Max, 2800sx, 3-4 people
12. Rcenter1, Rob & Nicole, 242 convincor, 2 or 4 people
13!! ndaniels, Nick & Becky , 24 SUPERBOAT, 2 peoples
14. Splbuilder, Jeff, MX-16, 2 people
15. check185, Will, 1850br, 2 people
16 Slingblade2,Jeffery(son),Britany Skeekcraft Jet boat 2 people
17.paulsboats,Paul and a ho,v-mate,2 people
18. Yellowfiero88, Brian & Jessica, 300 and if together the enchanter....
19. TJindy280, Troy & Jamisyn, Stiletto, 2 people
20. Kalugs22, Aaron & Rona, Pulsare 2100BR, 2 People
21. Ckaluger, Chuck & Barb, Pulsare 2100BR, 2 People
22. Cwalk2520, Cameron&Eric&patty,1999 234Persuader 3 people
23. Cwalk2520, Mindy&Terry&Abby&Nate, 07 21BR Larson, 4people
24. Merc 225, Debbie & Larry, 79 Entertainer or new 24 BRX if factory gets it finished
25. Lynchmob, Brian & Emily, 1991 pulse 210BR, 2 people
26 Jaja, Mark 2100 br with 2 people
27 Slingblade , Levi and the girl of the week ,200sx Skeeter 2 people
first avator name, second real first name, model boat, total persons in your name.
1. SENATOR HOLLAND, helmich, no boat, 1 person.
2. jjg, Jeff & Dianne, 2014 Pulsare 2400, 2 people & plenty of cold beer.
3. fastcheckmate, Pat & Liz, 259 Convincor, 2 people
4. RNGRDVE, Dave & Karen. 2 boatless people.
5. Check253, Bill & Monica Punisher, 2 people
6. PROBLEM CHILD, Jeff, 300 Convincor, 4 people
7. HORSEPLAY1, Doug and Mindy checkmate 253. 2 people.
8. dream4ta, Corey and Jessi, Enforcer, 2 people.
9. Gimme Fuel, Ron & Stephanie, CM 253, 2 People.
10. Slingblade,Jeff,Debbie,Enforcer and Exciter,4 people
11. 2tonchevy, Max, 2800sx, 3-4 people
12. Rcenter1, Rob & Nicole, 242 convincor, 2 or 4 people
13!! ndaniels, Nick & Becky , 24 SUPERBOAT, 2 peoples
14. Splbuilder, Jeff, MX-16, 2 people
15. check185, Will, 1850br, 2 people
16 Slingblade2,Jeffery(son),Britany Skeekcraft Jet boat 2 people
17.paulsboats,Paul and a ho,v-mate,2 people
18. Yellowfiero88, Brian & Jessica, 300 and if together the enchanter....
19. TJindy280, Troy & Jamisyn, Stiletto, 2 people
20. Kalugs22, Aaron & Rona, Pulsare 2100BR, 2 People
21. Ckaluger, Chuck & Barb, Pulsare 2100BR, 2 People
22. Cwalk2520, Cameron&Eric&patty,1999 234Persuader 3 people
23. Cwalk2520, Mindy&Terry&Abby&Nate, 07 21BR Larson, 4people
24. Merc 225, Debbie & Larry, 79 Entertainer or new 24 BRX if factory gets it finished
25. Lynchmob, Brian & Emily, 1991 pulse 210BR, 2 people
26 Jaja, Mark 2100 br with 2 people
27 Slingblade , Levi and the girl of the week ,200sx Skeeter 2 people
28. Csmyj , chase and 1-3 guest. Depends on if I bring the tritoon or sonic
first avator name, second real first name, model boat, total persons in your name.
1. SENATOR HOLLAND, helmich, no boat, 1 person.
2. jjg, Jeff & Dianne, 2014 Pulsare 2400, 2 people & plenty of cold beer.
3. fastcheckmate, Pat & Liz, 259 Convincor, 2 people
4. RNGRDVE, Dave & Karen. 2 boatless people.
5. Check253, Bill & Monica Punisher, 2 people
6. PROBLEM CHILD, Jeff, 300 Convincor, 4 people
7. HORSEPLAY1, Doug and Mindy checkmate 253. 2 people.
8. dream4ta, Corey and Jessi, Enforcer, 2 people.
9. Gimme Fuel, Ron & Stephanie, CM 253, 2 People.
10. Slingblade,Jeff,Debbie,Enforcer and Exciter,4 people
11. 2tonchevy, Max, 2800sx, 3-4 people
12. Rcenter1, Rob & Nicole, 242 convincor, 2 or 4 people
13!! ndaniels, Nick & Becky , 24 SUPERBOAT, 2 peoples
14. Splbuilder, Jeff, MX-16, 2 people
15. check185, Will, 1850br, 2 people
16 Slingblade2,Jeffery(son),Britany Skeekcraft Jet boat 2 people
17.paulsboats,Paul and a ho,v-mate,2 people
18. Yellowfiero88, Brian & Jessica, 300 and if together the enchanter....
19. TJindy280, Troy & Jamisyn, Stiletto, 2 people
20. Kalugs22, Aaron & Rona, Pulsare 2100BR, 2 People
21. Ckaluger, Chuck & Barb, Pulsare 2100BR, 2 People
22. Cwalk2520, Cameron&Eric&patty,1999 234Persuader 3 people
23. Cwalk2520, Mindy&Terry&Abby&Nate, 07 21BR Larson, 4people
24. Merc 225, Debbie & Larry, 79 Entertainer or new 24 BRX if factory gets it finished
25. Lynchmob, Brian & Emily, 1991 pulse 210BR, 2 people
26 Jaja, Mark 2100 br with 2 people
27 Slingblade , Levi and the girl of the week ,200sx Skeeter 2 people

28. Csmyj , chase and 1-3 guest. Depends on if I bring the tritoon or sonic
Looks like work has decided to take up my Thursday and Friday so we will not be able to get headed down till Friday night... Hoping they dont spill into Saturday on me!!
Talked to dean and kipp a week ago and they said they plan on heading down! Great turn out this year ladies and gents!! ������
*** Attention *** We Have a Sponsor

Before I spill the beans on this exciting announcement there are a few thanks to go around to all of you that have supported this event over the years with your attendance and passion for this brand we love so much. I would also like to thank Brian - yellowfiero & RGRDAVE for all of their efforts behind the scenes that helped make this announcement possible.

Checkmate Powerboats has agreed to be an active sponsor of this years 2014 Owners Rally. In doing so their generous participation along with the donations of several Checkmate owners will allow us to procure a 70' houseboat from Grider Hill Marina to be the base of operations !!! We will also have the means to organize a group lunch on saturday at the houseboat - burgers,brats,dogs,beverages etc.
The houseboat will have an open grill for all to use to show off your culinary skills if you want to bring your own food, as well as a full kitchen for the really ambitious !!!

That was only one part of this wonderful news........
Dean Reynolds the General Manager of Checkmate Powerboats will also be in attendance all weekend to hand out some of the latest Checkmate swag, help you spend more money on your mates and above all take some orders for a new boat or two !!! We hope he will be able to bring a new Mate for all of you to drool over, we will leave that as a suprise for now.

Dealers Are Welcome !!!
We would also like to encourage any dealers that would be willing to attend to please do so and feel free to bring your Latest Checkmate inventory and some sunscreen !!!

In closing I would just like to say Thank You to Joe LoGiudice & Dean Reynolds for being so gracious to sponsor and participate in this event and for making it "One to Remember" !!!

There will be more details to follow in the coming days so stay tuned !!! :thumb: