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interlux or Epifanes?


Well-known member
I'm going to be painting the back section of my top deck. Which paint would you used, Interlux or Epifanes, and why? I have system three primer and will follow manufacturers specs on prep, but which paint will look and hold up better? Any help or suggestions, since I've never painted a boat, would be greatly appreciated!

You can see exactly what I'm doing and follow my progress under restorations-86 Exciter resto
Aren't all the repairs on the boat from the belt line up? I would think it'd be simpler to use automotive paint and do the whole top. Might get better results too.
Aren't all the repairs on the boat from the belt line up? I would think it'd be simpler to use automotive paint and do the whole top. Might get better results too.

It is only in the back that I had the stress cracks, and it has lines in the back that give me a perfect spot to break the colors. Besides, I don't want to paint it all and loose all the metal flake. Do you think automotive paint would be better?
I'm far from an expert but after reading cmpulse's issues with spraying Interlux I would think twice about it.
I used Imron on mine and if I had to do it over again I would use a quality automotive paint. Much safer to spray and much easier to touch up it need be. PPG Concept is a very tough single stage urethane paint.
Ram, paint is not going to cure those stress cracks. It may hide them for a short time but they will return. I painted mine with Imron but that is expensive. And glass work is required to eliminated those cracks, not easy, and not cheap.
Ram, paint is not going to cure those stress cracks. It may hide them for a short time but they will return. I painted mine with Imron but that is expensive. And glass work is required to eliminated those cracks, not easy, and not cheap.

Thanks Jet, however, I am repairing the cracks prior to painting. I probably should have put that in here somewhere. The issue is I now HAVE to paint the back of the boat. I'm looking for the best paint to use for my application. Also keep in mind I have never sprayed this type of paint before. I have sprayed paint and urethane on cabinets, but nothing like this. I imagine it can't be too different... I will do a test run on an innocent bi standard first... anyone in the area need something painted;)

I will follow this, which paint to use thread, up with some more newbie painting questions:popcorn:
dont use interlux. you will see how it holds up when i bring my boat down there. I went to atlantic city boat show and saw them. asked them on anyways of repair or blending. basicly told me i am screwed with it. if you make a little mistake you can't wet sand it and buff it. i waxed the boat on a warmer day and the paint actually sucked up the wax on the deck, or so it seems, all blotchy. i am going to do it again but i am probably going to use imron or concept. a lot of boat painters use both of them and have good results. i cant even get someone to spray my boat now since i painted it in interlux perfection, they wont touch it.
My humble .02!!! If you roll and tip use Interlux, I wouldn't spray it. If you spray use Dupont products. I'll post pictures of my boat tomorrow, color is being sprayed. :thumb:
Ram call me tomorrow afternoon, I'll have Brian explain how to feather those areas in using basecoat/clearcoat!!!:thumb: He said that would be your best option.
Nothings gonna "match" but if you have cut off points you can tape it off and make it look custom. Will look better then cracked up!
Thanks Robbie... I'll give you a call :bigthumb:

Are you starting the paint on your boat tomorrow?

Yes in the morning gonna tape the boat then shoot from the rub rail down. Saturday will be the top to the rub rail. We decided to break the boat in halves since it's easier to paint that way.
Nothings gonna "match" but if you have cut off points you can tape it off and make it look custom. Will look better then cracked up!

I am repairing the cracks prior to painting. I probably should have put that in here somewhere.

As stated, he is reparing the cracks. I agree if not fixing the cracks proper, they will look like crap. You can make it blend and look good enough to pass. Being a painter for 15 years you should know this Keith:poke:! Guess I should know just because some are in the industry, does not mean they know what they are doing :thumb:

I don't know if you will be able to blend and match the flake and color of your boat. I think you may be getting in to deep. Brian may know something that I don't, but you my want live with the cracks until you repaint the entire boat.

I will wait and see what Brian has to say tomorrow. I think I'm already in too deep... I ground out the cracks already:brickwall:

My intentions are to paint the back area of the boat from the rub rail up. I have some detail lines running through the back of the boat that I'm going to use to break the colors. I will use a blue that complements the rest of the blues on the boat. The only area I will be painting that has metal flake is the splash well, and I'm going to paint that a solid blue to match all of the new.

Something along the lines of the attached images... thoughts?


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Brian were talking old azz flake. Nothings going to blend and match. If not flake then sure you could feather it, mist it , blend it what ever. Even burn the clear in if you don't want to clear the whole thing.

If you can blend the flake thats that old, without having the same batch more power to you and you should go back to making money.:poke:
Thats a whole different story if thats what it is.
I'm referring to "matching" flake. If its just a solid color then you can get close but the trained eye will notice.