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1984 Convicor full restoration

Update on progress

Over Thanksgiving I towed the boat to my parents shop in Lake Havasu, I got 17.5 miles to the gallon towing the boat with the new truck. an update with work being done. I have ordered all the motor parts and the block and head are at J&D machine in lake Havasu getting cleaned up and re valved. here is a pic of the boat next to my Dad's 40' trailer.

Convert to mid cabin?

I was thinking today about converting the cuddy into a mid cuddy with open bow seating in the front. any thoughts? how many people actually use the cuddy in their boats?
update over the holiday weekend, I have cleaned the inside out and am now ready to pull the fuel tank any advice on how to get it out i tried the acetone to melt the foam but it did not work. any thoughts or things you guys have done in the past? also picked up all the motor parts from the machine shop. I had larger valves put in the heads with a tighter spring. my cam and lifters came in as well carburetor will arrive today.



Use something like this.

Acetone will not do anything to that foam.

Use a saw like in the picture to cut around the edge of the tank. As far as getting to the foam on the bottom side, I still ain't figured that one out.



  • -font-b-Powerful-b-font-tool-for-small-portable-waist-font-b-Saw-b-font.jpg
    36 KB · Views: 166
You can try paino wire or something similar for cutting loose the foam on the bottom. The wire needs to be stiff enough to push thru and underneath the tank. Then grab both sides and saw back and forth. I worked at a glass company years ago and that's how we removed windshields without breaking them.
Paint job

since my brother is a regional representative for Sherwin williams Paint. I think I am going to go in the direction of painting the boat.
attached is a photoshop I did of what im thinking with a baseball glove colored vinyl interior.

something along these lines
I have been away for a while a-lot going on. work, Boat, and Home. attached is a update of the motor, home projects as well enjoy! I am hoping to make it back to az sometime this month to finish assembly of the motor. Crank is in piston rings are gaped and pistons are in. cometic head gaskets are waiting for me to put the heads on. purchase the complete MSD Marine kit with rev control as well.


House: new wood Floors.


back yard 1200 sq/ft grass and Koi pond

It comes to a End

Well everyone I have put the CheckMate up for sale. I have come across a larger and newer Boat. if you know anyone looking for a project let me know I am selling the hull with trailer transom adapter plate lovorsi throttle and a Bravo one gimbal for $3,500.00

here is a picture of my new find.
