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2008 Checkmate Brochure is out!


Staff member
Hey Gang,

The 2008 Checkmate brochure is now out.

I've put up a few pics in the gallery as a start.

But the best way to enjoy the brochure, is to get one for yourselves from your local Checkmate dealer.

From what Kip told me, they're being shipped out as we speak.

So you should be able to get one in your hot little hands any time now. :thumb:

Enjoy! :)

The way to get a brochure is to call the factory, or better yet, get in touch with your local dealer.

I can see the flood gates opening up and poor Coop having a full time job sending out brochures. :p
I would not mind just having some sort of dealer close. Ya thats going to happen out here in the land of corn.:brickwall:
Finally lots of new pictures. I like the one on page 16 of the Pulsare 2400. That boat is at Roberts Marine. I had the pleasure of running it before it froze out. 82 mph on the speedo. I would be happy to send brochures, just e-mail your address to rmarine@pressenter.com
ZT 230 BR questions

I am going to order/buy a new boat in the next couple of weeks. I have been leaning towards a new ZT 230 BR. As I still haven't seen the 2008 brochure, I have a couple of questions that I hope someone can answer.

1. Is there any storage room under the front or rear seats? It seems like a logical thing to do but I haven't seen it mentioned anywhere.

2. Is there any built-in room for a cooler? My last Checkmate had a hidden spot for an Igloo which was great.

Thanks for your help.

Murray L.
I took a look at my brochure for you, no good. It's a very basic booklet, not really much detail. You'll have to get with your dealer or call the factory to find out what the storage looks like in the 230. Sorry!
I am going to order/buy a new boat in the next couple of weeks. I have been leaning towards a new ZT 230 BR. As I still haven't seen the 2008 brochure, I have a couple of questions that I hope someone can answer.

1. Is there any storage room under the front or rear seats? It seems like a logical thing to do but I haven't seen it mentioned anywhere.

2. Is there any built-in room for a cooler? My last Checkmate had a hidden spot for an Igloo which was great.

Thanks for your help.

Murray L.

Murray, my 230 (closed deck) has storage under the rear seat and the ski locker which is located under the deck. The ski locker is very big and has a lot of room, you can pack quite a bit in there. Way up in front under the deck there is a hatch for access up into the very front of the bow. Other than that, you have the engine compartment, good place to keep fenders/bumpoers.

I am not sure but I bet the 230 BR has some sort of storage space under the front seats in the bow.

You will find that there is plenty of room for storage in the 230, I don't even use all mine.
