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225 HP Enticer

how did it run? Was it a rock out of the hole?

Runs great. Fires up instantly and has torque out the ying yang especially in the mid range. Gun it at 45 MPH and it takes off like it had been sitting still. If anything its probably overpropped though . Ive got a 21 inch prop on there now which is fine for speed but the holeshot is fairly soft. Keep in mind this is a 1.62 geared lower so its the same as a 26 inch prop on a 2.00:1 lower like Ive used previously. Those Solas 4 blades are underrated for prop pitch too so it may even be equivalent to a 28 inch. At 3500 RPM I'm running 45 MPH and it feels like its idling . I havent opened it up yet as I'm still breaking in the lower and I really need to address the steering but with the 21 pitch prop its probably a 70 MPH or better boat. Ive got a 15 pitch prop coming soon so that should make a big difference on the low end holeshot experience. I did have to add some ballast under the front seat to level the boat better.
A 15P prop sounds rediculously low even with 1.62's.

I would have guessed low to mid 20's.

Is that a 2.5L or 3.0L? How much does that girl (the boat) weigh?

A 15P prop sounds rediculously low even with 1.62's.

I would have guessed low to mid 20's.

Is that a 2.5L or 3.0L? How much does that girl (the boat) weigh?


Its a 3.0 liter. I think its about 175 lbs more than the old johnson/merc 1500. Add about 140 lbs up front to keep the bow down and wer'e up 300 lbs right there. A 15 inch prop is still good for 45+ MPH at 5500 and will be a good ski/tubing prop that I can yank a couple of kids out of the water right away. I can even drive into town and pick up a couple of fat chicks and their bicycles and yank them out of the water too. .
Are you sure its running right? You should be able to turn ANY prop you want on that setup.

Is it dogging out or slipping on takeoff?

I run a 25 4 blade with a full boat and mine still weighs a good 600-700# more than yours.
Are you sure its running right? You should be able to turn ANY prop you want on that setup.

Is it dogging out or slipping on takeoff?

I run a 25 4 blade with a full boat and mine still weighs a good 600-700# more than yours.

No dogging or anything like that . It will yank it up as evidenced in the pic with the trim way up but I like to REALLY snap that line tight sometimes.
Are you sure its running right? You should be able to turn ANY prop you want on that setup.

Is it dogging out or slipping on takeoff?

I run a 25 4 blade with a full boat and mine still weighs a good 600-700# more than yours.

What's your gear ratio? 1.75 ?

5500R's at 45mph, yep that will "snap the line tight" LOL.

Good luck with the fat chicks!

Dual Steering on Enticer exists.

Its still an Enticer and I still can't run dual cables.
Not true, I have duals on mine. It came that way when I bought it. Steering wheel is original, it's a rack and pinion and really stiff/tight. It can be done.

