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253 Convincor makeover

Just want to give a shout out here to Budman. He had some left over "raspberry" vinyl, and hooked me up with it!! Its more than enough to fix my sunpad!!! Great guy to deal with for future reference for any members!!!! Made my spring getting my sunpad fixed for summer, thanks Budman!!!!!
I like the changes to the interior. Much cleaner. I am not a fan of that interior style. The grey inside looks sharp. I think people gave you too much of a hard time for the "raspberry" outside. It looked good to me a little splash to show off. Looked good before looks good now. So win win?
I might decide to remove the decal at a later time.
The outside wasn't so bad but wanted to see what everything would like like changed over.
I think the interior just faded out more and gave the "pink" look
Just want to give a shout out here to Budman. He had some left over "raspberry" vinyl, and hooked me up with it!! Its more than enough to fix my sunpad!!! Great guy to deal with for future reference for any members!!!! Made my spring getting my sunpad fixed for summer, thanks Budman!!!!!
Glad to help out
Thanks for the beer.
Very nice work! Looks great! I eventually want to get rid of the "magenta" on mine. I am going do do paint instead of vinyl though probably next year.

Do the vinyl, they can laminate a clear on it so you can buff it. After painting mine I don't know if I would ever do it again unless I thought that was gonna be my last boat. So many hours I probably had close to 300 by the time everything was done
Do the vinyl, they can laminate a clear on it so you can buff it. After painting mine I don't know if I would ever do it again unless I thought that was gonna be my last boat. So many hours I probably had close to 300 by the time everything was done

But it looks sooo dam sexy:drool::drool:
I decided to put a gps in place of my compass.
Definately more options on a gps than watching the compass roll around.:rof:
Just removed the compass from the housing and used the housing to attach the gps.
Nice to see actual miles to our favorite spot and actual speed and top speed.
I just wish I could get my check to that max speed.:surf:
Do the vinyl, they can laminate a clear on it so you can buff it. After painting mine I don't know if I would ever do it again unless I thought that was gonna be my last boat. So many hours I probably had close to 300 by the time everything was done

laminating vinyl is great deal...but don't buff it !!!!
I decided to put a gps in place of my compass.
Definately more options on a gps than watching the compass roll around.:rof:
Just removed the compass from the housing and used the housing to attach the gps.
Nice to see actual miles to our favorite spot and actual speed and top speed.

What model Garmin nuvi is that?

I ended up with a few of them so i wouldn't have to move them around.
I use them for off roading too and they get wet and dusty and abused and they work great.
You can get them for about 30 bucks on ebay used with free map updates.


One picture shows a waterway. Is the map just showing the road next to the water, or do the maps actually allow you to track your progress through the waterway like a chart plotter?
It shows where you are going on the water but i don't think it will take me to an address on the lake. never tried it actually. It doesn't give any type of marine waterway points if that's what you mean.
It asks if i want to go into pedestrian mode when I get on the water.
I still get navigation, speed, miles, elevation etc.