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81 Predicter Restore


New member
Hello everyone. I would like to say that i'm glad I found this fourm. I have learned a lot already just reading the restore posts. I just bought a 1981 17 foot predicter for $300.00 without engine or trailer. I know a lot about boats but have never taken on a project of this magnitude. I have a ton of questions for ya'll so please bare with me if I sound stupid.
1. How fast will this boat go with which eng? (115 vs 150 vs 200 etc.)
2. Is the transome built to hold a large motor, or will I need to brace it up?
3. It apears that there is only 1 center and two outer stringers(which apear to double as the side storage area. Is this strong enough?
4. Has anybody ever rasied the floor level and added foam for floation under the floor? If I did this, I was thinking I could eliminate the rear boxs filled with foam?
5. Has anyone ever add balsa coring to the sides for stiffness? Do you think this would be a benifit worth doing?
6. I was thinking of relocating the fuel tank under the forward deck for better weight distribution if I use a larger motor.
7. What is the best way to check for a solid transome. It appears to be in good shape, but there were cracks in the corners of the splash well lip over the transome. This I suspect is from the transome flexing?
I will have more questions to follow.
Thanks for your help in advance.
Dennis..............Oh, By the way, I see that most of you live up north. Just to let you know, The temp here in Florida is freezing today. It droped to 61!!!! burrrrrrr. I think they had to close the schools....he he he.
PPS. How do I add a picture of my boat?
welcome aboard dennis. i have answered your questions below in red.

Hello everyone. I would like to say that i'm glad I found this fourm. I have learned a lot already just reading the restore posts. I just bought a 1981 17 foot predicter for $300.00 without engine or trailer. I know a lot about boats but have never taken on a project of this magnitude. I have a ton of questions for ya'll so please bare with me if I sound stupid.

1. How fast will this boat go with which eng? (115 53-60 mph vs 150 60-70 mph vs 200 70-82+ mph etc.)

2. Is the transome built to hold a large motor, or will I need to brace it up ?the trnsome was built strong enough. you me want to inspect it for cracks or water damage though. i added some braces to mine just to be safe since i like to run my toys hard.

3. It apears that there is only 1 center and two outer stringers(which apear to double as the side storage area. Is this strong enough? have you pulled the floor out? 1 stringer is plenty. i ran 2 in mine when i replaced the floor.

4. Has anybody ever rasied the floor level and added foam for floation under the floor? If I did this, I was thinking I could eliminate the rear boxs filled with foam?dont raise the floor. you want the center of gravity to be low. remove all the foam from the floor if there is any. do not put any new foam under the floor. it only holds water and adds weight. besides, that lil bit of foam will not help you keep it afloat.

5. Has anyone ever add balsa coring to the sides for stiffness? Do you think this would be a benifit worth doing? no more wood is needed on the sides.

6. I was thinking of relocating the fuel tank under the forward deck for better weight distribution if I use a larger motor. do not move this to the front. you will create way to much bow weight. you would lose 10 mph for sure.

7. What is the best way to check for a solid transome. It appears to be in good shape, but there were cracks in the corners of the splash well lip over the transome. This I suspect is from the transome flexing? mine had small stress cracks in the gell only. make sure the glass and wood is not cracked. tray to clamp a large bar to bry on the transome to see if there is any movment. you also want to clear out the engine mount holes and feel the wood. im sure it will be most if it was sitting outside uncovered. moist is not the end of the world. rotten wood is.

I will have more questions to follow.
Thanks for your help in advance.
Dennis..............Oh, By the way, I see that most of you live up north. Just to let you know, The temp here in Florida is freezing today. It droped to 61!!!! burrrrrrr. I think they had to close the schools....he he he.
PPS. How do I add a picture of my boat?
Thanks for the quick answers. I have the cap off the boat now. The floor is a gonner. I'll check the transome when i get a chance. I live in Port Saint lucie.
I still need to know how to post pics.
I started taking the rear boxes and floor out today. Geez what a lot of foam. The transom appears to have rot. I felt through the holes and found rotted wood. If no one replaces the foam in the floor, what do you do for floatation?Here are some pics. talk to y'all later.


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I started taking the rear boxes and floor out today. Geez what a lot of foam. The transom appears to have rot. I felt through the holes and found rotted wood. If no one replaces the foam in the floor, what do you do for floatation?Here are some pics. talk to y'all later.

the any foam you put in the floor or boxes in the rear wouldnt be enough to keep the boat afloat if you were to start sinking. think about it. take a 1' x 1' hunk of that spray foam. a 200# man could easily make it sink. now think about 1000# boat.
Well guy's I have bad news. I just finished looking through other posts. I came across a pic of the predictor with 3 people in it at idle speed(or just sitting in the water. It looked like the back gunnel is about 8 inches from the water line. Although thats ok for the canal I live on, It just won't do for the intercoastal. I thought this boat was a little small for what I needed and these pics confirm it. If anyone is interested in buying this boat for $300(what I have in it). Let me know. I already got the title back from the state of Florida. I just can't see putting in all that time and money for a boat I can only use in the canal. But if anyone knows of a 21' or larger project checkmate, let me know.
the any foam you put in the floor or boxes in the rear wouldnt be enough to keep the boat afloat if you were to start sinking. think about it. take a 1' x 1' hunk of that spray foam. a 200# man could easily make it sink. now think about 1000# boat.
You will need 4 cubic feet of foam to float a 200# man, and 17 cubic feet of foam to float a 1000# boat.
Well guy's I have bad news. I just finished looking through other posts. I came across a pic of the predictor with 3 people in it at idle speed(or just sitting in the water. It looked like the back gunnel is about 8 inches from the water line. Although thats ok for the canal I live on, It just won't do for the intercoastal. I thought this boat was a little small for what I needed and these pics confirm it. If anyone is interested in buying this boat for $300(what I have in it). Let me know. I already got the title back from the state of Florida. I just can't see putting in all that time and money for a boat I can only use in the canal. But if anyone knows of a 21' or larger project checkmate, let me know.
Doesn't that boat in that picture have a bigger motor than what the boat is rated for? I was thinking thats why it was so low. But yea, your going to need a bigger boat anyway.