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Aired Out Checkmates

The water was calm the air was chilly and the beers were cold!
Awesome stuff.
Some of my favorite boating trips were the early spring banzai runs.
Something about being on the water in a warm jacket with a couple friends while most are home and inside.

I can feel it ;)
Here's my entry!


    101.5 KB · Views: 262
Well im waiting for the triple digit shot from you but until then ill settle for anything over 90! :bigthumb:

Yeah, I dont know about that. Unless I get a divorce and sell a few of my kids for boat parts I think the hopped up 225 pro max is going to be the end of my parts buying experience for a few years at least. Ive got 93 MPH out of the promax with a more expensive than I like to admit 32 pitch prop. I don't think theres much left in the old girl. Triple digits might be a stretch with this hull but then again I thought 90's was too back when I was struggling with the boat trying to kill me going 60.
You call that aired out?


Call me an a$$ but i do not see doing wheelies as being aired out!
Aired out to me would be your boat at 90 mph light on the pad and hauling the mail!! :cheers:
Hear what you're saying about the traditional definition of "aired out" being about up on
the pad
(or jumping in the air) with as much hull as possible showing at speed.
Alternate definition- "Awesome air under the hull".
In my humble opinion- just cause it's temporarily converted from a river rocket to a
space rocket doesn't mean it's disqualified.
Just means it's pushing the envelope on the definition.
Hear what you're saying about the traditional definition of "aired out" being about up on
the pad
(or jumping in the air) with as much hull as possible showing at speed.
Alternate definition- "Awesome air under the hull".
In my humble opinion- just cause it's temporarily converted from a river rocket to a
space rocket doesn't mean it's disqualified.
Just means it's pushing the envelope on the definition.

Years ago I saw a guy with a 240 do that. You really need enough power and a low pitch prop with the motor trimmed up pretty high and you can walk it quite a ways. Anyway he might have had a beer or two too many in him and he dropped the throttle cold at about a 75 degree angle and and the thing dropped like a rock into the lake. Tow boat had to come out the next day for a bottom retrieval.
Years ago I saw a guy with a 240 do that. You really need enough power and a low pitch prop with the motor trimmed up pretty high and you can walk it quite a ways. Anyway he might have had a beer or two too many in him and he dropped the throttle cold at about a 75 degree angle and and the thing dropped like a rock into the lake. Tow boat had to come out the next day for a bottom retrieval.
That's hilarious! When I was a kid, sometime aound the late 70's we had a Hydrostream on our home
lake (White Lake-outside of Monticello, NY).
We called it The Beast (Or The Monster- I forget which-it's been so long since he ended up on The Bottom).
Had a HUGE monster outboard on the back. I forget the model name-(vking?) with a longass snout and a too big v6 or v8 on the back.
Blue sparkleflake. It's been nearly 40 years and the image still gives me a chubby.
One day we're all hangin' out watching each other ski and show off and he utters the Famous Last Words equivalent
of "Hold my beer and watch this"
Trimmed out from a standing launch he floors it and does a full 360 somersault that hits on the back,bangs with nose flying up
and transom lands.
Just as you described- boat imitates rock. . White Lake is one of the deepest lakes in NY state.
Last we ever saw of that beautiful, overpowered boat.
Maybe instead of "Aired Out" that one would have fallen into the rocket subcategory of "Spaced Out".
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Aired out could include both scenarios, plus a third scenario of the boat flying completely out of the water, or "totally aired out". So we have:
1) Fast and up on the pad.
2) The aforementioned "Wheely", and
3) "Totally aired out" as in completely out of the water.
So henceforth we can designate the aired outness as:
an air out 1, 2, or 3, when describing our photos or any combination of the three. ie Fast and out of the water would be an "Aired out 1,3 combo". Up on the pad "Aired out 1" and so forth. Wheely "Aired out 2".

Hope this clears things up. LMAO Just had to do it! :D :cheers: