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Awesome stuff.The water was calm the air was chilly and the beers were cold!
Here's my entry!
That is without a doubt one of the best {if not the best} Checkmate action shots I've seen to date.
Beautiful boat....awesome photo
Call me an a$$ but i do not see doing wheelies as being aired out! Aired out to me would be your boat at 90 mph light on the pad and hauling the mail!!
Well im waiting for the triple digit shot from you but until then ill settle for anything over 90!
You call that aired out?
Hear what you're saying about the traditional definition of "aired out" being about up onCall me an a$$ but i do not see doing wheelies as being aired out!
Aired out to me would be your boat at 90 mph light on the pad and hauling the mail!!
Hear what you're saying about the traditional definition of "aired out" being about up on
the pad
(or jumping in the air) with as much hull as possible showing at speed.
Alternate definition- "Awesome air under the hull".
In my humble opinion- just cause it's temporarily converted from a river rocket to a
space rocket doesn't mean it's disqualified.
Just means it's pushing the envelope on the definition.
That's hilarious! When I was a kid, sometime aound the late 70's we had a Hydrostream on our homeYears ago I saw a guy with a 240 do that. You really need enough power and a low pitch prop with the motor trimmed up pretty high and you can walk it quite a ways. Anyway he might have had a beer or two too many in him and he dropped the throttle cold at about a 75 degree angle and and the thing dropped like a rock into the lake. Tow boat had to come out the next day for a bottom retrieval.