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bdusted440's 1977 Tri-mate

Hey gus how do i box in the transom for my new motor and set back plate? How did you do yours?
Started boxing in the transom.It's alot of work but wourth it. Thanks for the input gus. It will look real close to your's.
Can't wait to see some pictures of it. Make sure all the wood is glassed and sealed. The box's on mine will be behind the rear seat when the interior is all put back together. I am sure missing getting back on the water


1975 Checkmate Tri-mate 2, 2.4 200+
Gus, I probably shouldn't tell you about the nice Michigan Saturday I had, ran $50 of gas through the Promax.................

1995 2100BR/1995 225 Promax 2.5 EFI/10.5" RapidJack setback/23" Tempest
Db440, how is the transom comming along? Mine is ready for the long tow to Nebraska. Then the work will start again and be ready for the water.


1975 Checkmate Tri-mate 2, 2.4 200+
Well how did it do with the new jack plate JW?I just fineshed buffing out mine.Looks so much better.My inlaws came over today and asked if I bought a new boat. made me feel good though.Now i just need time to finish it and use it. LOL
i like the pics but ther so far away u cnat realy see the boat and how it looks pluse its an old boat they look cool so uhave to see them closer up
and you also need more waves to have fun with it looks a lital flat
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">Originally posted by bdusted440:
Anybody know where I can get a24p raker for a 78 115hp. Hey I found A 140 same make as mine but a couple of years newer.cheap. due to the smoked piston it has.Anybody ever converted a 115 to a 140 evenrude.
Also I have to say this site rocks!!!!

There is almost no difference between a 115 and 140 besides the bubble back tuned exhaust cover.